
I’d say it was caused by Draymond Green, but I don’t think that’s where airplanes keep their testicles.

Your post should read. “I did not read the article.” Were you in a competition to post something?

He was going to go with “We can’t have the slaves running the plantation” but his sensitivity training clicked in.

“We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair said.

The Lasat’s are basically the original Wookie design recycled.

That was a liquid-smooth execution on the taunt. He’s likely practiced to notice openings for it.

Speaking of the ships...I’m really gonna need to see a B-Wing before we’re done with episodes 7-9.

Part of the reason I love The Clone Wars and Rebels is that they use his concept art for most of the art direction. The lightsabers are thinner and more like fencing sabres and the ships are more angular and sharper

I picked it up as I wanted a pulp break from the usual new wave SF I was reading at the time. It was a fun read and it said it was going to be a film. I ran around telling all my friends that they had to see this thing.

I hope this comment gets all the stars it deserves.

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

Bryant Blames Receiving Woes on Good JuJu

THE STATE OF THE ART (for clarification)

buddy why do you think i quit

no spicy nuggets, no peace

pls bring back spicy nuggets thx

Speaking of which, when does VIII’s retrospective drop?

Which is correct, for the record. I’m glad I saw this 2.5 years later to say so! Phew.
