
I don’t even know how to respond to this. Did Bethesda sell this on Kickstarter? Wtf. 

I can’t believe Beebo showed up! It makes me so happy to see him on Supergirl. He needs to show up on Black Lightning. And maybe Titans, too, because that is also Berlanti...

So what, nihilism? It rarely works, so don’t bother?

The notion that anyone should treat a decision to buy something (or not) as a primary display of activism on somebody else’s behalf is one of the more absurd inventions of all time. Buy something because you want it, or don’t buy it if you don’t want it. That’s all a commercial transaction is about. They either got

They got back in after Iran-Contra. They got back in after Anita Hill. They got back in after Iraq— and then after Iraq again. They got back in after Watergate.

Am I getting old that I just didn’t find it funny? Everyone in the comments seems to have laughed, but I think it was the most depressing South Park episode I’ve ever seen, and I really didn’t get the humor in it.

Oh, so very sad! My father still owns me, alas, feminism hasn’t freed me quite yet. But it’s only been 9 months, after all. I have high hopes for 2019!

Do you realize how outright disrespectful your statement is to every single strong, independent woman that’s ever existed before today? Are the female members of your family the property of their husbands? Are your female role models THAT shitty? You do realize that there were female trailblazers and pioneers WAY

To be fair, it is why they can’t get laid. Before feminism, when women were property, we literally couldn’t say no.

What sucks is how many of them seem to like the idea of being terrorists. Even the ones who’ll never kill anyone idolize the idiots who did.

Gotta say, reports on the working conditions scared me off of even applying for Telltale a few years back. Sorry for those who lost jobs.

For that matter, Russia is pretty problematic under Putin despite fact that they are capitalist now. 

Can’t edit my post, but you’re right. 

I just don’t get why this guy doesn’t shut up and go away. He murdered a man and got away with it. Isn’t that enough of a shit thing to do for one lifetime?

most people accused the victims of being fake and the parents were just actors/actresses hired for the “anti-gun agenda”

Nah, I don’t think that’s laziness. Incompetent staff means 1. the game isn’t interesting enough to attract top talent as hiring candidates, 2. they’re not paying enough and/or 3. people just don’t really enjoy working there enough to stay once they’ve started to become competent. None of those would be fixed by

Oh, just.... Go away, Tammy. If you lower your profile and stop being a piece of shit, people will forget about you and won’t call you names or whatever. Why is it all these people can dish it, but can’t take even an ounce of it?

You’re supposed to shower before getting in the pool, and you’re not supposed to bring streetwear into a pool. As a former lifeguard— it’s because we don’t want to spend even more time scrubbing the sides. You want to wear socks, bring some that you have cleaned and brought specifically to wear in the pool. So, I kind

I’m a game developer, and as long as you’re rank and file, you don’t have to deal with that kind of bullshit bottom-dwelling scum. And those assholes exist in the general population, so you’re probably still making things for them. Alas.