
The only thing very clear is how ignorant and wrong you are. The belief that Jews or Blacks should be cleansed is to be tolerated such as every other belief, no matter how disgusting it is and how much one disagrees with. Thinking this way puts you on a never-ending path to making excuses as to why hitting x person

Its not OK tho. Just because someone might have disgusting ideals that you disagree with doesnt mean you have the right to assault them.

I may disagree with anything and everything he says, but id die to defend his right to say it.

How many times can Rick and Co. meet a group and discover they’re evil? At this point, during a zombie (err, walker, geek, whatever-the-hell they want to call them) apocalypse if the vast majority of groups of survivors are more interested in killing each other, I fell like a half dozen zombie hordes would wipe out

then please god someone kill me.

I think it’s kinda funny because these characters don’t REALLY have that much more personality than the characters we see in those “hero’s love interest”-token roles. But as you said, I guess that gives them more wiggle room to come up with stuff they like. After all there seems to be something about these characters

I approve of Kotaku turning x-rated

I guess they thought it out to be a play on the word “Ant”.

It’s done in the original series. But the Murata manga is full of fillers and moves slower (awesome quality fillers so it’s not a bad point at all).

It’s more traditional Harvest Moon with basic Rune Factory mechanics rather than a full, in depth combat system like a proper Rune Factory.

*Yawn* wake me when No Mans Sky is re-created as a game that was worth the $60 I wasted on it.

Hey this is the best NMS news I’ve heard since release!

They’ve been silenced? How? What is preventing them from publishing their words elsewhere? Did a judge slap an order on them preventing them from writing? Did the government pass an anti-Gawker law that we’re not aware of?

I’m surprised how many commenters who apparently read gawker media posts don’t understand why the deletion of such articles would matter.

You’re right. Had Gawker-proper been live still far more than 6 stories would have been deleted.

I wasn’t commenting on the deleted material. I mentioned that.

Yes, thank you! I posted a much less succinct (and also in the grays-boo) comment saying the same thing. The complete failure to understand that Univision is not going to take on liability for things that occurred before the purchase is not a good sign for this editorial union effectively advocating for their

Yes, they are trying to keep you in business. That last “frivolous” lawsuit bankrupted Gawker and will do the same to the other sites if you aren’t careful!

You could not possibly be more wrong and I don’t know how you refuse to understand this. Their choice was solely due to standard acquisition legal practice. Univision has no reason to want to be responsible for existing lawsuits against Gawker. A similar lawsuit literally bankrupted the company and is why Univision