fire head girl

I haven't, actually, because I can't handle too much reasons.

So, my vision for the afternoon was that I was going to be scanning in a paper for grad school and munching on some gummy candies (my vice/incentive) and it had going that way... but I just read about the shootings (3 dead - outside Jewish centers in Kansas) so what was going to be my light-hearted request of those

I just read American Gods by Neil Gaiman and loved it, though I'd probably classify that as more urban fantasy than sci-fi. Definitely worth checking out, though. If you're open to YA, Unwound by Neal Shusterman was pretty good (also contains one of the most disturbing scenes I've ever read). Ready Player One is also

UPDATE: Police have a lead. Suspect looks like this:

This is pretty deep in the thread now, so I'll make a confession too. My husband recently was using talk to text on his android, and texted me the following:

What makes me feel like a man: picking up really heavy things; getting paid what I'm worth; not having to worry about going out alone after dark.

Both this and the linked story seem to be missing a crucial bit of information... how exactly did the letters go missing for 45 years?!

Was it this guy?

Gawd, talk about clickbait. You, as a writer for a blog that is part of an actual business, have a moral, ethical, and legal obligation (spoiler: I have no idea what any of those words mean) to write about the things I want you to write about, all the time until the end of time. Now let me fixate on a typo you made

"No ring, no bring" doesn't exist to make single people and people in shorter-term relationships feel shity. It exists because weddings are fucking expensive, and when you can only invite 100 people to your wedding, and you and your fiance's families combined number 87, would you rather use up two of those remaining


I had an interesting Dogfish Head 90 min night. I didn't know it was quite so potent. It tastes like normal beer. Normal, delicious, beer. Two drinks in I forgot where I lived and barely knew my name.

whereas the best thing you can hope to do with vodka is mask its "flavor" entirely.

Vodka's gross. (Not as gross as a Jager Bomb, obviously.) Team Gin.

I am still highly bothered that red wine won. I just can't even. That may have been the one from before, but whatever.

I am happy to hear that bisexuals are hugely endowed. I hope they use it well, and touch many people.