

OMFG with the concern trolling. I’m just fine, thank you. Obviously I’m also a vegan too but mentioning that as an aside is a distraction, not my original train of thought. Comment-stalking someon in a side conversation to the point where you’re mentioning them in other sidetalk posts is what is problematically

The Met normally has a very generous photography policy and if you are there to look at the great collection of Signacs or marvel at the imported Temple of Dendur, during the museum’s regular opening hours, you can selfie to your heart’s content.

In subsequent posts the OP has “corrected” the narrative that the kid killed the fish “accidentally” while trying to “pet” them...because her dad takes her “catch and release” fishing (a horrible practice which is almost always fatal to the fish, exposing them in fact to a longer slower death by infection or

That’s all true, and in my professional capacity, that’s my demeanor. Here, I am just the average obnoxious internet commenter. The OP embedded a horrible story, maybe even subconsciously, in a post in which the intentions were to show how crafty she was, making complicated chocolate commercially-themed party favors

This “alarmist poster” is an educator who has to deal with people’s psycho kids when the get to the public system. Four is more than old enough to know the difference between things that are inanimate and things that are alive and sentient.

Better to spend some time checking out what child psychiatry options are available in your area than indulging your burgeoning sociopath in a mass culture-themed extravaganza. Children that age are definitely able to separate ego and id, and animal abuse is a huge warning sign, virtually a universal, always-accurate

Don’t go.

What I actually meant to say (also) is that I am glad to see Harris and also King being canonised now. Your gambit is actually a good one – if I were a dude seeking intelligent woman companionship (or if a dude approached me similarly) I would be halfway to smitten.

I went to graduate school – graduate school in the humanities – with someone who did not know that Lord of the Rings was based on literature. And this was exactly at the time Return of the King had just come out in the movies....

You have some very rational thoughts on that subject expressed far less aggressively than I can, and I enjoyed all your other comments too. Too bad no DM here or I’d send you my contacts. You take care of yourself and I know your voice will be appreciated it was here...under the new regime people just

I would like it if you would return, too. I have been more and more isolated by the ‘WE WANT TO BE EMPOWERED BY PORN AND PROSTITUTION” crowd in every discussion and long for your back up!

Wow, I love the DJ-mixes-sharing aspect of Soundcloud and have used it for this, happily (despite Soundcloud apparently running entirely on a Windows NT Server from 1998 in someone’s basement – it’s down/slow a lot) but I am not willing to put up with the outmoded (also Flash) technology AND ads. This is why I stopped

I am a humanities professor and I’m sorry to say I actually do not know a lot of male humanities professors who are not very much like this character. There are a lot of Hugo Schwyzer types in our discipline in particular.

The most far-fetched thing to me was Udo Kier appearing outside in daylight.

Initially the writing for her character and to some extent the very constant “on!” delivery reminded me of the Lauren Graham “non-stop-quirkiness” character from Gilmore Girls, which was a breaker for my GG fandom. However, I think particularly once the story got going – the development of the relationships between

I will follow you, though I must confess I frequently get banned owing to my strange insistence that the writers of a blog whose hosting language is English write in, well, something resembling English...

I was really hoping one of the cables would pick it up for a second season. The four main kids were really good, and Sutton Foster really grew on me...

LÖL. It was partially filmed in my hometown of Munich; in several shots including the especially the (imo) most terrifying of the guy being attacked by his own guide dog, you can see the Glyptothek quite clearly...

I think this writer is fond of what used to be called “snark” in the way it was deployed in the print edition of the Village Voice in maybe about 2003, but does not do it very well, and also has only a vague familiarity with the semiotic concept of words/meaning... but yes the Bradley Cooper post was in yesterday’s