I guess there's no review of the midseason finale :(
I guess there's no review of the midseason finale :(
I'm excited for HTGAWM
No thanks. I’m not gonna ruin a good ending with anything these writers might add to their story. If it’s worth watching I’ll read about it in Myles’ review, which was the only reason I turned on the episode this week.
I agree, I'll ignore logic and the real world implications of he snitching and be glad we get something close to happy ending. Maybe in their world you get 2 years for all the crimes Mickey's been involved in and then you and your man can live happily ever after. They're happy now and so am I. For me that was the…
We all know Mickey can fight, but it's an American prison and Ian is a really attractive guy. If a group of guys wants Ian there's not much Mickey can do. Also, Mickey snitched on a MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL. I'm pretty sure they have people that can take him out fairly easily. This is why realistically it would have been…
We all know Mickey can fight, but it's an American prison and Ian is a really attractive guy. If a group of guys wants Ian there's not much Mickey can do. Also, Mickey snitched on a MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL. I'm pretty sure they have people that can take him out fairly easily. This is why realistically it would have been…
I would have preferred Mexico too. I can imagine horrible things happening to them in prison, but I can also imagine that with Mickey’s connections they COULD be ok. I feel like the writers completely dropped the ball with both characters so long ago that as long as they ended up together I'm ok. It's not perfect,…
For a long time Jimmy/ Steve was the character I hated the most, but now I'm over everyone and the show so I wouldn't care if he came back.
Even though I stopped watching the show this season, I still read these reviews because Myles seems to be as fed up with the show as many of the rest of us. After reading part of the review, I tuned in this week because it’s Ian’slast episode. For so much of the series Ian and Mickey were the main people I cared…
He is too pure to be there, but it would have been nice to see him reluctantly participate.
That was the best episode of the season so far. I love a good heist!
That was the best episode of the season so far. I love a good heist!
Issa pretty much said that in the wine down (or whatever it’s called) that aired after the episodes. This season was putting all the pieces in place for the events of next season. And I can’t wait, I hope they don’t wait a year to come back.
The entire season was redeemed by the finale. I don’t hate Lawrence anyone, I never would have expected that at the end of last season. Molly finally got what she deserved at work and is taking a chance with Andrew, I think that’s good. Issa choosing herself at the end was pretty great, but I would have forgiven…
Last night was my last straw, I give up.
One good thing about Shameless was always that it depicted poor Americans in a television landscape that usually acted like they don’t exist. The Gallaghers used to be avatars for the average working class family, but now it feels like one big joke at the expense of the audience. I could complain about the racial,…
I agree. I appreciate that the writers did attempt to show that the criminals aren’t the only victims of gang violence. And Shades is my favorite on Luke Cage for the same reason Mike is/was my favorite character on Better Call Saul/ Breaking Bad, both understand and respect the code of gangsters. But I’m still pretty…
The show’s fandom has always been divided in our opinions of Lawrence. For that reason I get why they brought him back; but as a woman who has dated a man like Lawrence I couldn’t be less happy to see him. It was an amazing episode like always, I laughed, shook my head and screamed. I LOVE Nathan, when he started…
Last season was a complete disaster IMO. Only Lip’s storyline was relatable/ believable. But the season premiere was pretty good. Carl’s “wife” is finally gone, Lip is still being responsible and Fi’s boring boyfriend didn’t get much screen time. Kev and V’s storyline is by far the worst (I don't watch Frank's…