Because Nathan is one of the most attractive men EVER (personally and looks), I’m extremely biased, but is episode was my favorite. Issa is finally opening herself to real change and it’s wonderful to see. I personally wouldn’t have risked getting shot by the cops to do a breaking and entering, but I loved it anyway.…
I’m super late to the conversation, but I’ve been watching Shameless faithfully since day one but I’ve never been more ready to be done with the show. When this season premiered I was so put off that I waited until now and binged it. It was worse than I thought it could be.
I like your ideas about other ways the mom could have found out. I don’t have a problem with her finding out in a way that doesn’t feel contrived. For me the last 1/3 of the season felt so rushed and many of the characters were behaving uncharacteristicly to get to the conclusion.
Good point. It doesn’t make sense even for this show. Why did Pirsilla even think to call the mom? The mom hasn’t been involved in the show except for one other scene. It felt like the writers wanted an impactful “screw you Shades” moment but it was mean spirited. No one loved Che besides Shades and his mom, now his…
Yup! I think most people have a problem with at least one of their parents, but most use have some compassion. Tilda seemed to only exist to hurt Mariah and help Bushmaster. The Cornell thing really pissed me off. It almost makes me wonder if Tilda was even listening to the majority of Mariah’s monologue. I hate Tilda…
Exactly. At the end of last season she was a politician who didn’t want to be apart of the life. Then all of a sudden she was an evil mob boss. Alfre pulled it all off nearly flawlessly, but it would have been nice to see the transition. By the time she started seeing visions all bets were off, that’s when it felt…
I think overall the season was not very good. There were things about it that I absolutely loved, but the plot holes and contrivances and poor acting left me underwhelmed. But I honestly won’t remember the silly Luke Cage family/ girlfriend drama or Tilda calling her mother a monster after she confessed that she’d…
I was asking myself these same questions throughout the season. If the writers want her to be the villain for season 3, they did a TERRIBLE job building her up. Every time I see her face I think of how silly it is for a grown woman to be calling her mother mommy all the time.
That's why I'm not looking forward to a season 3. Luke is the least interesting part of his own show and Tilda is awful. She's not intimidating or interesting, she's whiny brat who acts like a child.
Tilda is the absolute worst! The Harlem PD is also pretty awful, why would that lead detective woman let Che’s mom listen in to Shades’ confession? That old lady didn’t need to hear that, she and Shades are already at their lowest points, it was just mean. Also, I know there are more than 3 lawyers in New York,…
Great recap. I also appreciated the flashback, but hoped for something better. We already knew Mama Mable was evil and killed Bushmaster’s family. The flashback was redundant and only showed me that Mariah is caught in a family feud that should have died with the last generation. At this point she’s gone too far, but…
From the minute Shades found the restaurant and kidnapped Anansi it was clear this would happen. I wish they had spent this season turning Mariah into the villain for next season while she worked with Luke to defeat Bushmaster this season, but oh well. Shades isn’t dumb and should have seen all of this coming and…
I think you make a great point about the writers failing with the villains. From Cottonmouth to Mariah to Bushmaster, I never hated them or wanted Luke to beat them. I just wanted them to do the right thing and be better. That’s why Tilda is the character I liked the least this season. After hearing Mariah’s heartbre…
I also wish we got some flashbacks of Shades. I think Tilda is the worst character in this season. Her acting isn’t good and character motivations rarely make sense. But, I do think the scene with Shades and Mariah in the Brownstone was really amazing. It seemed like she finally listened to him, many other shows would…
I never expected to cry watching Luke Cage, but that scene got me too.
I just love her.
I agree. If the rest of the writing of the season was as solid as the scenes with Shades and Che, this show would be nominated for all of the awards. Too bad most of the writing and acting is subpar at best.
Mariah really had no good reason not to sell Shades the club. If she wanted out of the life (which I don’t think really did), selling to him would have been the easiest and cleanest way to do it. It’s sad that she doesn’t consider the consequences of her actions.