Fiona Wallice Fan

While I like (most of) Bill's policies, he is extremely full of himself and arrogant.

What's even worse is that Cole got the same amount of perspectives as Professor SexFrench did this season.

In my opinion:

I'm still holding out hope that Professor SexFrench was the one who stabbed him.

15. House of Cards (Season 4, Netflix)
14. The Good Place (Season 1, NBC)
13. Vice Principals (Season 1, HBO)
12. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Season 11, FX)
11. Agent Carter (Season 2, ABC)
10. Silicon Valley (Season 3, HBO)
9. Masters of Sex (Season 4, Showtime)
8. Atlanta (Season 1, FX)
7. Better Things (Season 1, FX)

On the show, it said the elections took place on Wednesday February 7th, which means the show would take place in 2018. (Unless that was just a careless error)

After the networks called Trump, I was ready for "FX PRESENTS" to pop up on the bottom left corner of the screen.

I live in Florida, and even I admit, we are seriously the worst. We're the Britta of states. I actually had hope that Florida could right itself after massively fucking up the 2000 election and giving us President George W Bush. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

CNN now has it at a 71% chance that Tangerine Nightmare will win the Presidency.

I don't think that's fair. Masters of Sex's second season was a very strong season. It may not have been as enticing or well written as the first, but it was still really good. It still had a large focus on the sex research (a storyline abandoned almost entirely in season three which turned out to be it's biggest

My favorite part of Nurse Jackie, especially in seasons six and seven, was that it embraced the fact that Jackie is an awful person and embraced the awful things she did (the scene where she abandons her sponsor at rehab is still pretty chilling). Those final two seasons were everything Dexter should've been.

I would imagine that kids these days aren't watching Masters of Sex.

I'm optimistic about this new season (although that's coming from someone who didn't dislike season three, even though it was a bit of a step down). Despite this trailer, I would like to believe that the show is going to stick true to the facts this season (or at least more so than last season) considering the

I assume for Dexter fans, the term would be "fell off the treadmill".

"How am I doing? Eating so much pussy I'm shitting clits." -Jonah Ryan, location: Elementary school.

This episode has made it into my top 5. From Jonah's outburst at the bowling alley to Richards issues with the video camera to Selina practically bullying congress people, this episode was fantastic. (I also happen to love Christmas-themed episodes)

Ben saying "Fortune cookie say you fuck up big time, round-eye" was the funniest thing I've seen this year.

Dexter was able to get an A- and an F in it's final season.

This is unrelated to The Affair, but by any chance did anyone here catch the Getting On finale? (in case they don't post a review for it)

That was such a good show until its third season. The episodes with Hugh Dancy were some of the best of Showtime's history.