Fiona Reaney

(there may be an audible “pop!”)

Lol @presumably innocent. I’m imagining the cow inciting a rebellion and then shanking a slaughterhouse worker.

Hahaha! totally!

Very true. There are people who do both: veganatarians who attack the meat-eaters and meat-eaters who attack veganatarians. Same thing tends to happen with coffee lovers and smokers and drinkers, although to a lesser degree.

The thing is that slaughtering is a moral act, an act of killing. I am honestly too pressed for time right now to look for sources (sorry), but the ways butchers work is typically very stressful. They are expected to become desensitized from death, blood and pain. They often have very bad working conditions. PLUS

I respect you very much for being self-aware :) it’s the worst, sorry, wurst when people don’t realize they are being hypocrites. If you own up, I can at least respect that :)

So true. I know people who love meat and would like to slaughter a pig one day. While that repulses me on an emotional level, I respect them for not being hypocrites (and don’t share the fact that the thought grosses me out; that’s my problem). Anyone who eats meat should be willing to slaughter it.

Also it was pretty insulting to her fan. She implied he was a cunt. Wow. Just lovely.

Yes, I don’t like that either. I liked her at first but then I realized that while she laughs about female beauty standards, she only does so because she doesn’t feel she’s pretty enough. I can’t shake this gut feeling that says that if she were “pretty enough”, she would just be a normal actress and give no fucks

Hahaha, that sounds awesome. Very interesting description. I’ve been seeing balls on a regular basis for five years now and I still get suprised at all the places they turn up and squee over them. And there are so many different types of balls. It’s all very fascinating!

Oh, you’re just not delusional enough. A friend of mine is 29 and recently started a relationship with a 45 year old woman, who already has a 27 year old daughter. They talked and she said she would like to have kids with him. They both seemed really happy and pleased about it. smh

You’re right, it’s not someone else’s problem. I was just kind of sad and disappointed that so many commenters here were being pretty aggressive/dismissive and saying that they don’t care about balls. Yes, guys can’t use their balls as an excuse for manspreading, but I was just missing some empathy in the general

Haha thanks! :) but I only just signed up with one of those burner accounts yesterday, so I don’t know how anything works here. I’ve been lurking for months, though, and the comments are the best part of Kinja

That’s Bernie Sanders on the right, right? (I hail from Germany.) At first glance, it looked like he was pushing a walker.

I shaved once as a teen, then I got my period (and didn’t use tampons all the time, because you can’t sleep with a tampon and so on). The grossness was unbelievable. Naked skin against a wet pad. Dude.

You sound awesome.

Hey, I don’t have balls, but I bet if women had balls, there would be a lot of people defending our right to protect the soft, warm, very squishy things dangling around down there. I think balls do matter. That’s not to say pressing your thighs against other people is ok, but I think some sympathy would not be

#balllivesmatter ?

Exactly, so while this sounds plausible, for me the logic ends here: Why would you press yourself against strangers in order to have enough space? I’d rather NOT touch strangers and either stand or be uncomfortable rather than touch them at all.

Those are pretty generalizing statements.