
I’ve an Uncle (he was married to one of my Mum’s sisters) who was one of 17. He was the youngest or second youngest. His oldest nephew is two years older than he is.

I checked a couple of times and don’t think I saw Casanova listed above. Which Tennant is Casanova?

I don’t yet; I’m writing a grant proposal for these and will be submitting it directly to Van-Van.

Thanks for the advice Van-Van. I think I’ll start a lemonade stand.

Interesting (& very nice) that Travolta publicly thanked MD Andersen Cancer Center. Really going against the Co$ tenet of “we can heal ourselves with our great Hubbard Power!” (Preston was OT8.)

Back in mid-April, early on a Sunday morning early in the quarantine and I was waking up, with WNYC on my bedside radio (NYC’s NPR affiliate), and there was an interview with a guy from the Bronx who needed work and thought it wouldn’t be too tough a job to do temporary work collecting bodies in Elmhurst Hospital and

The Journey of Bruce is my best new Twitter follow. So glad to keep up with him there!

Don’t leave us hanging. What were you reading? And what did she want to read?

Speaking of home-working.

all those gigantic crowds dressed up like empty swaths of space!

I thought it was in Woking.

All the reporting I’ve heard over the day today has been from the BBC and they’re going with ghee-LANE.

Interesting tidbit:

I do too. Which leads to me confusing OANN with QANON. ButI suppose they’re not all that different, right?

Mask up y’all, save (sorta) the economy!

No, Icelandic girls’ surnames are also from their fathers.

I haven’t watched the movie, but the article notes the guys surname is Ericksong (as is his dad’s surname). Perhaps the ‘g’ is a typo?

You’re not alone.

I will see your (admittedly sad) savings and raise you my own (admittedly sad) savings, but let’s broaden the scope here to ‘shamelessly monetizing everything’.

In early 2013 I went to the ER (felt odd, could explain precisely how, but I was able to say “my heart feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest). Turns out I was extremely, extremely anemic due to what was described to me as an “18-week fibroid”. Apparently it was the size of an 18-week fetus. I was admitted and