That story about the BAME/Covid19 report being held back (twice IIRC) had me shaking my head. Just nutty.
That story about the BAME/Covid19 report being held back (twice IIRC) had me shaking my head. Just nutty.
I understand that they’ve been trained for crowd control/chaotic conditions. But, I don’t think any amount of training will help when it comes to pepper spray or tear gas. That’s what I was referring to (should’ve mentioned it specifically). Perhaps there is a way to train a horse not to react when these chemicals are…
I should’ve been more specific: I was referring to pepper spray/tear gas. I get that the horses that the mounted police ride are trained for crowds; they can’t be trained for tear gas, which the mounted police officers’ colleagues deployed.
I think there were some mounted police involved in Operation Clear Out Lafayette Square So 45* Can Get His Photo-Op. I had essentially the same thought as you did about them.
I like how John Fugelsang puts it: Trump may not be the anti-Christ, but Christ is 100% the anti-Trump.
For ‘overtly homophobic’, if it please the court, I submit Exhibit Mike Pence.
Is the ‘sneaky’ link you mention this one? (I only see one link in the piece):
But I think he has to be invited/asked to invoke the 1807 Act by the Governors. I the the only exception to that is DC, which is how he could invoke it there. I know Gov. Newsome has said, “thanks but no” and I think Gov. Cuomo has also turned down the ‘offer’.
It’d be nice if we had a fully functioning Congress.
Hold on a bit: SPLC is a hate group?
Yep. Much like 45*: IRS gets the lower ##s so the tax bill is less, while the bank gets the higher ##s so the loan is more. Possibly a third set of ##s for the insurance broker.
I can think of about half a dozen shabu shabu locations near me. If they don’t survive it’ll be a real shame. The one I mentioned above is huge; it takes up most of a floor in a building that has a city block footprint. And cheap: like $40.00 for a 2.5 hour long all-you-can-eat.
My office (located in Long Island City) …
If buffet/all you can eat places do go away forever, the one place I’ll miss is called Spring Shabu Shabu in Flushing. It’s hotpot, cook at your table. Because it used to always be packed, the place was great: you’d eat and get a steam facial. Granted it was broth steam....
“... and mentioned that fact on the radio...”
Eh, in England, ‘cold, clammy sand’ is what you get on many beaches for much of the year.