This seems like an appropriate place to share this:
This seems like an appropriate place to share this:
“Why didn’t you build a nursery in the house I bought from you three years before I got pregnant and knew I was going to need a nursery?”
I too have questions. Many, many questions.
Regarding that Bradley Moss Fox News clip: “Well, we’re gonna have to leave it there” is FoxSpeak for “Oh, you brought receipts.”
Hey! What’s wrong with using an apple? Or a literal corn cob?
I can’t even fathom a single reason that anybody -never mind a Time journalist- thought that this was an appropriate question to ask him.
I recall this baby naming ‘rule’: try saying the name after saying this “I’m pleased to introduce the President of the United States...” (or “SCOTUS Justice...”).
Indeed. This is my favourite response to Paula (oh so appropriate surname) WHITE-Cain, from Jesuit James Martin.
I like how Donna Reed has said that she’s not ‘Donna Reed’.
1. I HEART Stormzy and now wish to see a longer convo between him and Dench.
Was Michigan the state where during the last lame-duck weeks of the last legislative session, they decided to strip powers from the Governor simply because the incoming Gov was a Dem?
Yeah, I’m just gonna trail you, filming you making your documentary about all those COVIDocumentaries. Gonna call it CoviDocDocDiaries.
And then there’s this.
What would Mother say?
Copy & paste of my own comment on the Blake Lively Hair Coloring Dirt Bag column from yesterday:
Boxty! Yummm..........
Also worth remembering: when that “18-year-old actor with a walk-on part in Endless Love and like a 7th lede in Taps” was actually filming Taps (again, the film in which he was “7th lede”), he refused to stay in the barracks with the rest of the cast, insisting on staying at a hotel nearby. So, he was a knobend from…
Of course it’s not the Confederate flag! This guy would NEVER desecrate his preferred flag by slobbering or snotting all over it! NEVER!
Great film. And the Long Island-ness of it was spot on: towns against towns for “WE’RE #1!!” status as well as neighbors against neighbors or students against students for same.
There are many Ryans in the NHL and many (most?) of them are Canadian. Years ago I wanted to start a website called “Too Many Ryans On The Ice” but I was too lazy to get around to it.