No words; just this: (((Chavalina)))
No words; just this: (((Chavalina)))
10% bleach! Holy crap!
I mean you can use chlorinated bleach to disinfect water, but that’s at a ratio of 2 DROPS bleach to a quart of water. Then you let it stand for at least half an hour.
This is the fist time I’ve ever heard of Dalkey described as a’gated community’. It’s just a suburb of Dublin City, in County Dublin. My boyfriend from when I was in Sixth Form lived there. I spent many very fun weekends that year there.
A friend of mine was on that ’89 tour with the Stones and from the story he told about that AC PPV gig, it’s evident that 45* has been an idiot since forever ago. I think it was more than just Keef who threatened bodily harm on him.
You’re 100% correct: don’t fuck with the Stones.
From that same Wiki page, this part, which is so, so funny:
See, the thing about the “Squad” (that is to say AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley) is that they became the Squad once they were elected and in Congress, not before. And it wasn’t orchestrated, it was ‘organic’.
“I apologize that my modest proposal was actually taken as a Modest Proposal.”
~ ~ “Dr.” Oz.
Remember when 45* got rid of the IG overseeing the Covid19 payout/CARES act? Well.... here’s (part of) the reason.
Yep, mostly. I posted this in response to another comment:
My sister lives in Stamford CT. She can drive to Darien in under 15 minutes. She lives within walking distance of Stamford Hospital which also set up a drive-thru testing service. The entire neighbourhood applauded it. My sister was dumbfounded though not 100% surprised that the Darien test site would be closed down…
Thank you! That makes sense.
Especially in light of the abuse that has gone on in US Gymnastics for so long.
And you’re right: Serena no longer requires a surname.
All of this is well and good and all, but I’ve got a question: what’s a coffee sleeve?
Her surname is perfect for the job: McINANE-y.
If the networks are insisting on covering these press-rallies, they really ought to send medical/science reporters instead of/in addition to the WH correspondents or political reporters.
Thank you.
The last episode of WNYC’s On The Media spoke about use of the wartime metaphor.
Yes! Your question: “If you have faith that god will protect you from any and all harm, shouldn’t you do your part to keep yourself out of harms way?” is very like the person in the flood who turned away the guy in the boat because “God will save me” only to die and be told by God that the guy in the boat was God’s…
Thank you.