
The “I don’t care what happens to these characters” rule is a good one (it’s like that in life, too, right?), especially for non-procedural shows. If I really have no interest in the future of these people, why would I give them my time?

I think last night’s episode was #48; I think there are 48 days between today and 09 Jan. I think that means I need to do an episode a day re-watch until the return.

See, to me, physics & philosophy are asking essentially the same question: “what next? Each is trying to unwrap the [fill-in-the-blank] down to its core. Not sure whether & how biology fits in there, but I think it can.

Nice touch having Janet tear up a bit when she handed Chidi’s note back to him. She’s becoming more human-like. And D’Arcy Carden played that bit beautifully.

Which is why the details need to be correct.

♬♩♪ Hey little girl, I wanna be your dictator. ♬♩♪

Please correct:

How’s today for you? Cause it works for me!

Be careful there, you don’t want to splinter the audience.

*more likely.

This sounds very like the anti-gay American campaigners exporting anti-gay legislation to African countries. I’m also so glad they lost (in the Irish case, that is; not in Africa).

Indeed. Never would I have thought that Ireland would be more progressive (repealing the 8th; marriage equality; an openly gay, man of color as Taoiseach) than the States, where people are working so hard to roll back access to safe abortions, and also our own marriage equality laws.

Perhaps she asks him to.

The Repeal the 8th campaign quite nearly broke my family apart. I’ve cousins (sisters) who are foursquare opposed on the issue. I’m from & live in the States; I lived in Ireland for several of my teen years, so I watch Irish news/politics quite closely. I was surprised & quite pleased that the vote went the way it did.

No. That was Massey Energy, CEO was Don Blankenship. No less worthy of the “fuck him”.

Brents don’t know they’re Brents.

dp4m, you say:

I’ll bring the wine, you go get the popcorn!

She composed & posted the quote in question during sex.

It’s like the possibily apochryphal story about Winston Churchill saying "ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put."