I think a Bearimy is just a Bearimy. Indefinable.
I think a Bearimy is just a Bearimy. Indefinable.
I’ll see your ‘effectuate’ and raise you one ‘architecting’.
So much to unpack.
Then she & Ellen will go see an NFL game together.
He spoke at the Al Smith Dinner:
These stories from Warren’s life -and the simple manner she tells them in- just further cement my admiration for her.
... with a cactus. (This is in response to your third item.)
Apparently InfoWars (I’m not going to find the link; someone posted a screenshot on Twitter) is saying that ahead of Trumps trip to Dallas they’re worried about a JFK-style assassination happening.
How about Raskin? (Also a Marylander.) I also wondered about Raj Krishnamoorthi (Illinois) and Jackie Speier or Ro Khanna (both California).
This is a copy/paste of a post I made elsewhere in the Kinja-verse (self-plagiarism?):
I hadn’t seen a posting regarding the passing of Rep. Elijah Cummings. It’s a sad loss for Congress and I hope, wholeheartedly and unabashedly, that Rep. Cummings will haunt Trump for the rest of 45's wretched existence. And to connect it to the actual story I’m commenting on: he can also haunt Donj & Van-Van and Eric…
Yep. The fact that she had her own ‘come to Jesus’ moment whilst actually, you know, researching and learning about policies and how they have real-world ramifications endears her to me even moreso. I mean, I liked her before reading about her political conversion, it just solidifies my support for her.
💗 these kitty photos! A few Qs: 1. Do you have a Twitter account? 2. If so, do you post kitty photos there? 3. If so, what’s your handle? It’d be nice to see these photos outside of the weekly SNS.
Yeah, there was. And the whole thing about him wanting to keep “Acting” in the title is stupid(er than normal for this administration) because “Acting” is applied to positions where there’s Congressional approval required and the “Acting” whatever (HUD Sec’y, SecDef, etc. ......) is a placeholder.
You sure it was turbulence? Could it be that the cabin crew asked the flight crew to help settle the hormones by getting everyone back to their own seats?
Is your friend Jessica Leeds?
Are they actually **HANGING OUT** with each other? Or, is it possible that they happened to be seated next to one another and decided to be civil by speaking to each other. The former implies -to me anyway- that they coordinated the seating, while the latter implies happenstance.
Yep. I’ve heard about Republicans (non-politicians, rank-and-file people) who were four-square behind Nixon right up until August 5th and 6th 1974. That was -I think, I may be off by a day or two either way- when a few GOP pols visited the WH and told Nixon that he was well & truly done for (IE: he no longer had the…