
You’re missing an “effectuate” and an “actualize”. And maybe a “paradigm shift” for good measure. Perhaps:

The Trump Presidential Library (HaaaaaahaaaaaHaaaaahaaaaa!<takes a breath>HaaaaaahaaaaaHaaaaahaaaaHaaaaaahaaaaaHaaaaahaaaaa...) will be a wall in Mar-A-Lago, with his Tweets being projected upon it, scrolling along like the bottom of the Fox News screen.

And 45 put reams and reams of blank paper on a table to show just how completely he’d divested himself of interest in Trump Org.

There was another bit in Will Sommer’s thread about hecklers and a car stereo.

My favorite joke (it’s not situation specific in any way):

I think Ingraham is also a safe space.

You know we’ve really gone down the rabbit hole when a potential Congressional witness is essentially in WitSec to hide them from members of the government.

Lemme get this straight Rudy. . . HRC, the DNC, Soros conspired with Ukraine to interfere with the ‘16 election so she could lose???

M-W’s subtweeting game has been strong lately.

I wonder if she mentioned Declan Walsh of the NY Times.

API was aware of the problem as early as the 60s (some sources say as early as the 50s). The article below is from ’16.

I thought about suggesting kittens or puppies then thought better of it for fear of associating cute furry little animals with him in the future.  Sunsets are less emotional for me.

It truly is.

I was going to post a request that Splinter and its sibling sites refrain from including any photos of 45 (& family) with their stories. Even the least stomach churning photos always make me gag a bit.

Dinesh D’Souza tweeted a picture which strongly implies that Thunberg is a Nazi. His evidence? Her braids. I shit you not: he used a side-by-side showing a photo of her next to a drawing of a young girl in the Hitlerjugend.

As has been stated elsewhere, this is absolutely batshit. We’re going to deploy troops to protect the oil production of the country which not only orchestrated the torture, murder & dismemberment of a US resident, but also produced the majority of those who attacked the WTC & Pentagon on 09.11.2001. Odder still: the

Are you implying that he bathes in the blood of newborns and sacrifices virgins to stay consistently the age he is? Cause I’d be down for propagating such a theory....

I’ve wondered this too. I suspect there’s a whole lot of more experienced people who don’t want the stench of 45 on them. I also suspect part of it is by design: (1) the administration doesn’t want to succeed (the Bannon idea of breaking down the establishment), and (2) they don’t want to spend on salary.

Remind me please: how much help did he offer California?

Matt, Matt,Matt, calm down. Chill out.