
A little like how he fired some pollsters for leaking a poll that doesn’t exist, no?

Please do.  Spread the word far & wide!

See, I’m sneaky like that.

When you say a couple of guys’ are you meaning a couple who happened both to be guys?  I’m assuming so.  This would creep me out as well.

Based just on the headline I did think for a split second that her wish was to get arrested protesting or doing some other sort of civil disobedience.

I’ve got a cousin who is mentally retarded. He’s been institutionalized for most of his life; he’s in his mid 50s and his mental age is about 5 or 6. Normally I object to the use of ‘retarded’ - when it’s used as an insult. In this case I think Rouhani has it about right. I do think that 45 is showing some form of

Probably. I like to think that they figured that they need to keep the peace/save face amongst their friends. I like to think that the thought process went something like “you know, Ashton & Mila are probably not going to be ‘diplomatic’ with their word choices and we know just how fragile I&J can be.”

There’s a term for it (well, at least there’s a term for it in one of my friend groups, wherein we had one such couple): dopplebangers.

...if you open up a nomination process for a high school’s name to the public...

Department of Justice attorney Sarah Fabian...

Isn’t it funny how the various parts of the body gang up & conspire against you? Like your uterus called your appendix and said “got plans for Friday? Wanna much things up big time for MsM?”

See, this is part of the reason Graham Norton is so fun: they’re boozing whilst hanging on the couch!

Oh, can we be invaded by the Irish??! I mean, every invading European empire except the Romans trod on Ireland, let’s give them a chance to be the aggressor. And then there’s the added benefit that I’d be living in Ireland again!

Well, she ‘got the looks’ if by ‘got the looks’ you mean ‘paid for and obtained the looks under anæsthesia’.

Let’s see how this goes:

Agreed, 100%!

She’s a “huge celebrity in the U.K.”

Of course this’ll never happen; can’t have a too-educated general population.  That’ll lead to questioning and other bad things.
