Yes, let’s please don’t forget that her dad made much of his money trying to get people to stop talking about the connection between football and CTE. The evil fruit doesn’t fall far from the evil tree.
Yes, let’s please don’t forget that her dad made much of his money trying to get people to stop talking about the connection between football and CTE. The evil fruit doesn’t fall far from the evil tree.
Here’s a great article looking at the earliest part of US history and the role Muslims played in it:
I’m really not sure; I’ve seen it intimated that she may be, but again, I’m not 100% sure.
Same. Elsewhere I’ve seen it stated that his marriage to Cheryl Hines may have been the turning point. It saddens me because he was such a force with RiverKeeper.
Interesting timing considering the recent claim of Executive Privilege on the census citizen question.
Batmo Timberlake?
When it comes to making a spectacle of themselves, few due it better than Jim Jordan. Combine blind rage with total ignorance, stir with a dash of ignoring sexual assaults.
The hand does indeed belong to an adult. It’s the adult who is trying to foist this crap on the child, whilst the child is holding the adult’s head under water.
I call beer a liquid sandwich.
I’m also 5'11"; my late husband was 5'7" or so. I never cringed when I saw us together in photos or passing a mirror/window.
Strange fact: the guy who founded/created eHarmony felt that in all straight relationships, the man HAD TO be taller. HAD TO. Crazy-ass crap if you ask me.
Eric *tried* to pull a pint of Guinness and bollixed it up!
So, is she the (single) Mother... ... ... of Dragons?
How ’bout requiring a colonoscopy & a prostate exam before a prescription for Viagra/Cialis/generic ED pills will be provided?
Yeah, kinda like the guy in the Haribo commercial who says “I’m gonna flyyyy it into my mouth.”
He puts the COCK in (his) John Hancock!
*For a summer!
Apropos of nothing specific in this article, and because it’s been far too long since I’ve said this ’round these parts:
Years ago, when I was a kid, I was visiting family friends for a summary and I became friends with one of the daughters in a neighboring family. There were 13 girls in the family. All of them were named Mary: Mary Bernadette, Mary Anne, Mary Margaret, etc.... They all went by their middle names. Good Catholics they…