
Oh, she 100% totally knows. He mentioned it on the air in an interview with Howard Stern.

Yep! “If they do it with you, they’ll do it to you.”
I’m glad though that she seems to have evolved into something resembling intelligent, what with her putting an entire continent between herself/Tiffany and Donald.

Is it irony that a Nazi apologist (‘on both sides’) is representing one of the countries that fought a war against & beat the Nazis at a commemoration of one of the great battles that took place during said war? Or is it just irony-adjacent?

Perhaps because DonJ and Tiff aren’t married to their SOs.  (I think Tiff’s engaged, not married.)

Apparently Queenie gifted 45 with a first edition book written by Churchill. Is QE2 trolling him?

Thanks for sharing; it looks great. Now I’ve got “exterminate!!!” in my head (in 45's awful voice though). Protest well & loudly.

Photos please?!! As a Whovian, I’m intrigued by this evil-entity-mashup.

Had HRC won, we’re in month 27 (+/-) of the Benghazi-email-Comet Pizza-Vincent Foster impeachment hearings 

There’s this new band I’ve been listening to quite a bit lately. They’re called Idles, they’re from Bristol in England. I think the closest genre they fit into is post-punk. They’ve got a song called Samaritans which takes on the topic of toxic masculinity in stark terms. Some of the lyrics are:

Everyone dies...

From the NY Times:

Oh, goddess, I hadn’t thought of that “unfit to stad trial” thing.
How bout this?: heart attack soon, then trial, then sentenced (ha!, fantasy I know!), then, while in prison: STROKE!

“PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE,” Trump wrote, in a caption accompanying the tweet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for not once naming one of the shooters.

It was half a sentence. "I pray for the president to suffer a terrible, painful, debilitating stroke (or similar)."

WRT Obergefell, they’d also maybe try for Windsor.

If Roe falls, watch them come for Griswold v Connecticut. And, I do think they’ll try to come for Obergefell v Hodges, and possibly also Lawrence v Texas, too.

Haven’t you heard? Ectopic pregnancies will just be removed from the Fallopian tube and re-implanted into the uterus.

The perfect description!

My favourite Keanu Reeves role is Keanu Reeves in interviews, especially when he’s appeared on The Graham Norton Show. He just comes across as such a fanboy about film & the process of filmmaking and he never seems to be “on”. I do wonder how much of that’s genuine. I really hope all the “good-guy Keanu” stories are