
As far as I’m concerned, it wasn’t even a “Great Famine”. Rather it was a great mass-starvation event. Famine, to me, means everyone in a geographic location starving to death; what happened in Ireland was not that.

How regal!!!

Same. This thread has been a welcome respite.

Oh, and thanks for starting this thread. All these cuddly critter photos have been just what I needed to see to alleviate the crap of the recent weeks.

But they're his napkins though. Right?

He's cute alright. But he can be a bit of a jackass sometimes!

Oh! Hello there!

Such a cutie!!

How cute!


Lovely. Who's a good Brady??!!

As do I.


“Hmmm, let’s see if my smeller is working.”

Those eyes!!!

Hello from Fearless.

One of my favourite shows is Science Goes to the Movies. There’s an episode that talks about the use of psilocybin in microdoses to enable people who are dying to come to terms with this fact.

Happened to me as well.

You know how they say about crimes that so-&-so “kept two sets of books”? This is what they were talking about. Make an entry in the real ledger book and at the same time make the corresponding lying entry in the ledger book that for public/regulator consumption.