I didn’t think that Rosa Parks’s husband as portrayed in the episode was white.
I didn’t think that Rosa Parks’s husband as portrayed in the episode was white.
Listen to her from earlier today, on BBC6. It’ll be available online for the next 29 days.
I did think about that, hence the tense of “going to be”. So, I guess I’m referring to future projects.
Also, nobody calls the Mayor (of any city) “Mayor” - it’s either “Mr/Ms. Mayor” or “Your Honor” or -if appropriate- “Shit-For-Brains”.
At the very least they should’ve let her keep the 18th Century coin. And I love her phrasing with “I felt “boo” that it’s gone away, but “yay” that other people will get to see it.”
Is it going to become a requirement that HBO shows all have an Italian-American man playing twins?
HA! indeed. Kinda biblical, no?
You know, I wonder whether so much concern is expressed when these same seniors board a bus for a trip to the nearest casino.
With this:
I liked this, from The Business Women blog:
You just know that every bad thing -big & small- that happens to Kavanaugh (and anyone else really!) will now be blamed on witchcraft and hexes.
I live out in the relative boondocks of the suburban part of Queens (read: almost Nassau!). A friend of mine who lives in a similarly suburban area of Queens, where there are tons of trees and most front yards are grass-covered with flowers & bushes told me that a couple of her more recently moved-in neighbors talk up…
Also in the report (sure to piss off 45 & his Black Lung Disease loving associates): we need to completely stop with the coal. 100%.
She also must’ve been hanging out with Louise Mnuchin.
Nit Trump... the Russians.
I agree. Sadly, I remain convinced he'll be reelected.
Strangulation is nearly always a precursor to more violent (often fatal) DV attacks. This fucker's wife needs to leave. NOW.