
Again with the projecting! Listen, Donald, it’s okay to come right out and say “I really, really, really want to kick the everloving shit out of anyone who doesn’t see things precisely as I do”.

At 73 (74?) I think Mirren is a touch too young for this group.

He sits like a person suffering from hemorrhoids.


I agree 100% about her vacuity. Perhaps we should start calling her “Ivankuous”?

It’s actually not that small a point. Words matter and they frame how we think of things. My boss didn’t “give” me a raise; rather, he “recognized the hard work I put in bringing efficiencies to the workplace and pays me commensurately”.

YES! I’ve said it lots of times round here, so this may be a repeat for you: I firmly believe he began grooming her from about that age (possibly a tad earlier) for molestation. I think that at some time it became quasi-consensual.

I thought he was named for Barron’s Financial magazine (for whom fictional publicist John Barron was also named). Doesn’t matter I suppose. For the kid’s sake I hope he is able to distance himself from the family (Melanie included) and I’d love him to end up with all the family $$$ (if there is any) and donate it all

“Living Pinterest projects gone horribly wrong” is the perfect way to describe this family!

I thought I’d edited the inital comment and then I thought I’d replied to you (neither is showing up). I was referencing the additional stupidity of shooting at someone near gas tanks/lines/pumps.

I’m sorry - I thought I’d edited the original post with this (well, paraphrasing from my unsaved edit):

He shot a woman while she was leaving a gas station?!

I think Colin Powell had a better answer.

Regarding the statute of limitations: did the Watergate prosecutor (do you recall who it was?) discuss whether sealing the indictment could lengthen the SOL?

Re Pence/Russia: Manafort put him on the ticket. There’s gotta be something behind that.

Not only did HRC win the popular vote by nearly 3m votes, she got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history, ever. Except for one: Barack Obama.

... and to reveal the actual effin’ Nazis in the administration.

So, Adrian, then?

So very silly. Which is why this story is so great.

AP is reporting that it won't happen until at least 2019.