This is from his official bio on his website:
This is from his official bio on his website:
I would like Avenatti involved in the Dem 2020 ticket as Campaign Manager/Director. He could craft a really strong message against 45. Just let's have experienced pols on the actual ticket please
Mark this day in your calendars:
Wait now. VAWA has an expiration date? Why??
I’m going to Ireland in a few weeks for a longish trip (long by my standards, I usually go for 10-14 days; this trip’ll be almost three weeks). I’ve got events book-ending my time there (an Aunt’s 90th birthday; my Secondary School reunion) and am going to England to visit with a friend & her family for a bit in the…
You realize that requires being in his presence every day? Could you handle that?
I feel the same way: I liked Fanny Ardant’s portrayal of Mary of Guise in the Cate Blanchett Elizabeth.
I’m still 100% convinced that he groomed her all during her pre-teen/teen years and that he was molesting her from her mid-teens or so on. The photos of them from that time are just way too icky for it to have been anything else. I think that this turned into a quasi-/not-quite-consensual relationship sometime along…
Indeed. I think he’d be a great campaign manager and possibly COS, but please not CFPOTUS. Tammy Duckworth or Kamala Harris should hire him.
One thousand percent yes!!! I grew up in Queens, NY and the kids I grew up with were as diverse a group of kids as I can think of and that’s the America that I’d define as ‘real’. Also (& I know that this sounds elitist but I really don’t care): without the coastal cities you reference, where would the rest of the…
Well, perhaps we (no pun intended there) should ask who they mean when they say “we”. They do speak for a certain “we”; just not the “we” that includes you or me.
If you want to see some great cat-Twitter, check out this thread.
Or Ron Estes v Ron Estes.
You think there were fire drills at trump tower?
I remain convinced that had HRC won, we’d be entering month 16 of the Benghazi-email-Comet Pizza-Vincent Foster impeachment hearings.
Obligatory “my cat’s name is...” post:
Two things:
Since when is it Acosta’s place to apologize for something said by someone else. I doubt he wrote any of Michelle Wolf’s WHCD piece, so it’s not his thing to apologize for. Only Wolf can apologize for and she - rightly - will not do so.