Yep! Just like the Access Hollywood tape was faked!
I think you mean “Also, TOMMY!!! SCHLAMME!!! deserves...” After all, that’s the only way to say his name.
But that was just a Duck, er Chicken-Donald, not a Diapered-Baby-Donald.
I'm in NYC - can we send up a few blimps to keep him away?
I don’t recall any “whataboutism” in re Bush during Obama’s presidency. You mention the drone program; I do recall people being very loud in their statements of “I though Obama would be better and would stop this.”
Yeah. Didn't she come in on an Einstein visa??
Hello Melania! Welcome.
They/she used water as a background on a post* about flooding?! What?!
Oh please. Even if you used single concept sentences with words of one syllable or less he wouldn’t give a toss!!
No, but I have seen the documentary on the making of the musical. Do you recommend it?
When I bought the CD I played it straight through and loved it. I repeated it three times, straight through each time. Every few months, if I’m taking a long drive, I’ll do the same. Every time, I love it in its entirety.
Totally useless trivia unless you’re in a pub quiz and this comes up: Clooney is the only actor to be in two TV shows -one a comedy and one a drama- with the same(-ish) name: ‘ER’ and ‘E/R’.
Indeed- he won’t even mention Article 5. Which these countries adhered to on our behalf.
I’m certain he’s crying in every picture ever taken of him.
I wonder if they’ve visited their son-in-law at Fort Drum (or any other base) over the past years using their NYC ID. I wonder if it used to be accepted as ID and now it no longer is. If so, I wonder if this change in status of the NYC ID card as valid/acceptable coincides with 45 and his stupid stupid zero tolerance…
This part of the Reveal article is chilling:
Can that "long disease" be complicated black lung?
I follow a few prominent veterans on Twitter (EG: Paul Rieckhoffof IAVA and Jon Soltz of VoteVets and others); to a person they’re all saying this is possibly one of the worst decisions the administration can make.