Do Stigmata and Point of No Return rank anywhere near the top of the list?
Do Stigmata and Point of No Return rank anywhere near the top of the list?
Apparently Masterson’s been fired:
Yep. I could hear my arteries harden as I read it...
Looks like?!
I think that the authors are doing all they can to bring 45 and Jed Bartlet closer together in peoples’ minds. It’s as if they didn’t even go past the West Wing episode called Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
But of course.
I’m waiting for this too.
I’m okay with our new all female society testing to see if we can raise our boys into less toxic men. Provisional status is okay for 10-18 year olds. I’m working out the details in my head now.
At this point I’m all for sequestering all men off in an island and living in an all-female society where we store and use a variety of sperm as needed. Once any boy-child gets to a certain age (as yet to be determined) he can be sent off to the aforementioned island.
Leigh Corfman to Roy Moore: ‘Where Does Your Immorality End?’
I’d love an interviewer to ask 45 (or Sarah Fuckabee Sanders) a direct question: “How does 45 explain to his Jewish grandchildren his approval of Nazis?”
I thought the same thing when I saw the first ads for the show. Crowd sourcing for justice: what could possibly go wrong?
Nope. Someone’ll have a kink for the unwashed, unkempt, unbrushed and use it as an excuse...
I’m glad you went with O’Douls. He’s not worth anything better than it.
Amateur decade is more like it with this guy.
My late beloved grandmother was an O’Keefe before she married my grandfather. I’m horrified to be the offspring of a person sharing shithead Jimmy O’Keefe’s surname.
I have on more than one occasion tweeted during an episode of The Aftermath that she (& Mike Rinder) are doing God’s work. And yes, I do get the irony of the wording.
I was going to post something to this effect. WTF is up with those sleeves?!!?!