
All kids are not shits at some point. I was never mean to anyone, even after being assaulted at age 8. The truth is that we all can allow or reject cruelty. Adults should be vigilant in observing all kids and teens, and swiftly act to extinguish evil behavior. Animals are better teachers than most parents. We would

This tripe is the whore of Babylon, the single catalyst that created the current culture of promiscuous, irreverent, uneducated, entitled youth that squirms to Miley Cyrus and the biebs. She is unattractive, has no voice, and embodies the narcissistic, parasitic wave of humanity that consumes without conscience. I

Not wrong or shameful. Just purgatory for this of us early and excessive bleeders. In powder blue, catholic school uniforms. I had a race with my bestie to see who was the first one to menopause. YaY for me!!! Girls, it only gets better, freedom is on the horizon!!!

Yep. Chicago in the 60"s.

I was pretty aware and chill at 12. City kid. But never would have enjoyed strip poker. That crap was for morons.

If you knew how it was to be assaulted as a child, you would understand that even though the memory is transformative and a horrible nightmare, you can, in adulthood, put things into some perspective and lead a fulfilling life. Yes, the horror never goes away.

AND she is smart enough to be a nurse

Maxwell and Jagger are two of the most average looking female models ever to strut. You could find better looking girls slinging burgers at a fast food restaurant. Hype is all.


Shelters like these are only interested in sparing animals further instability, so are not hesitant to deny potential adopters. I have 20 years of experience at a shelter, so I know what I am describing. Similarly, when Ellen Degeners gave her dog away to another person, in violation of her adoption agreement, she was

She is so high strung and self involved, the poor dog was probably just waiting for the next emotional holocaust to occur. That dog needed a mature older person or couple, with a very quiet home. BAD ADOPTION.

Tay is gay.

An article about the social relevance of plastic bottles? Seems that you may be the one running out of ideas.

No, that’s Beetlejuice. Or home, after you click your heels. Wait! I meant Little Caesars!

Jez seems to have deleted my reply.

That movie is not weird. You are either simple, or very young.

Well, I first saw her in Beetlejuice, and afterwards in the dracula movie with Keanu and Anthony Hopkins, and I beg to disagree. She rocked both, very different roles. And Girl, Interrupted. Seriously.

I believe people who are in this country without documentation are considered to be illegal aliens. It is not rocket science. Do the work, get the papers, you are welcome here. Walk in, sign up for taxpayer funded benefits, no thanks.

My cats are indoor/outdoor on a farm. Native intelligence has enabled them to live long, healthy lives, while enjoying all that the natural world provides as daily stimulation. Cats should at least be provided an outdoor secure cattery. They deserve to see sky, sun, birds, bugs, and get rained and snowed upon. My cats

For those of us who live shorty waisted and boxy lives, thanks for your review. I won’t buy this clothes line on principle. I will never support those other than female power beings, listen up. Go ride and the camel you rode in on. Seriously.