Not all about money. I love Hidden Figures, a great story and drama. I will not see LaLa Land, but recognize the achievement that mirrors old HWood. Not ultimate acting, but possibly excellent art. The audience decides. Not the common audience.
Not all about money. I love Hidden Figures, a great story and drama. I will not see LaLa Land, but recognize the achievement that mirrors old HWood. Not ultimate acting, but possibly excellent art. The audience decides. Not the common audience.
Scantily clothed or nude women are common. I prefer the example of Catherine, Diana, And other Royal women who choose to act with class and honor their families. American culture has normalized vulgarity.
I am able to make observations without choosing sides between the Trumps. I have enough evidence and gut level intuition after watching all of the players to trust my instincts. The truth is self evident. Actions speak even louder than words. There are no victims, except the children.
This girl looks like a clown. She should work on clearing her acne and let her skin normalize. I can’t fathom why she thinks she needs all of that spackle.
BULL. Parents of kids who have done unthinkable crimes often accept adult punishment of the little monsters. They often protest that they had no clue that their offspring could act horribly. No one defends their child for cold blooded murder. I hope the victim is recovering from her trauma.
Of course they do. They just weren’t normal or well adjusted. What kid gets to preteen age without a parent teaching consequences, right and wrong? I believe their classmates are likely horrified by their crime. It is human nature to empathize with the object of violence. No one wants to be at the sharp end of a knife.
I would not believe this person until she had been devoted for 30 yrs. She is motivated by notoriety, dick, and money, equally. Gross is her norm.
dumb as
dum jazz
Yes. Too many memories of being dismissed as a child. The predators are due for a reckoning.
He is Bee You Ti Ful.
Um, don’t forget Osama. Courtesy of Seal Team Six, no litigation required. He will not be soiling any prison cell needed for lesser criminals.
Innocent, not. Evil, yes.
Ted Bundy is not hanging out like Manson, writing books and songs, almost getting married, while racking up new crimes in prison. Bundy belongs in the dirt.
But what he will be is worm pudding, and in hell, if you believe in hell.
Where he has the benefit of buddies, sex, food, shelter, and entertainment? Health care? That is a NOPE.
There should always be room in a Democracy to vote that certain individuals have lost the right to live if the crime is deliberate and evil. Lack of repentance is the same as pride in the act, and I do believe true, absolute evil exists.
Her pit shag is barbaric.
A dirty bathtub, surrounded by ignorant humans who shriek and flail at you in your captivity. This animal, who was entitled to roam thousands of miles, as its birthright.