
I learned the facts of life at 5 years old, from a neighbor’s older sister. My parents, an MD and RN, never discussed any of it, ever. Bad parenting, folks. I was very aware of adult issues by 8 years old. Don’t kid yourselves that kids aren’t savvy at very young ages.

My cat looked exactly like yours. Had her for 16 years until her kidneys quit.

Wrong. Kids need their parents around. Geezers are not able to stay around long enough for helping with grandkids, life traumas, etc.

And her 20 year old will have a 70 year old mom. Then 25/75, 30//80, then nothing. Maybe a few bucks.

Simmered, succulent GREENS!

Quite a generalization, from someone who obviously is not a horse person.

So Fritz, you think he was elected so that he could destroy the teachings of his religion? And you think that everyone should believe as you believe?

True for me.

We can launch her at the next dangerously close asteroid. She will surely cleave it in two.

Hey, thanks for summing up happy singletude without sounding vacant. I spent my heart on someone for 16 years. He married a girl young enough to be his daughter. Apparently, that is acceptable. Now I have my freedom, my money, and the love of friends and pets. Simply nirvana.

Just watched hours of John Lennon you tube stuff. That Hinkley is totally beyond healthy.


Cathy, thanks for your post.

Because you choose to reject the possibility that wrong acts should have an end date. Old furs do not mutilate currently alive animals.

Lots of arguments for or against. I had a coyote kill my best buddy after he pushed out a window screen while I slept. I have zero use for those canine zoombas. Do not get me started. I do not support killing fur bearing critters in a day and age that we do not need them to survive.

As if your ruminations would influence anyone.

Because the Catholic church does not teach members to shun non-believers. I was horrified to be told by my super born again friend in her 20's that she had shunned a friend for a particular behavior. My response was to ask if she really believed that Jesus would shun anyone. Just for the sake of argument. She never

I am a lapsed Catholic trying to live by the values I was taught, without being held to ritual and doctrine that I never believed, in spite of a Catholic school education. My father was profoundly disappointed that non of his children embraced his faith. My mind has always been ruled by logic, and truth as life

A cross is not a weapon. Men’s hands are weapons that use inanimate objects to inflict cruelty and death.

The doctrine dictates it to be true. Members of the church choose elements they believe, but a very minute fraction of the congregation believe all doctrine is truth. Sane people understand that books written by men are full of errors and fabrication.