The people love ME Waaaa ha ha ha haw haw haw hackety hak hak

That was my first thought too. They’re punishing everyone, not just the chef. Not to mention, unless they told the restaurant that evening, they never gave the restaurant an opportunity to make amends for the chef’s idiocy before blasting them on social media. That’s not really fair either.

Okay, so what if a transgender person was murdered for being transgender and 10,000 people came out with signs that read, “We’re all transgender” as a way of showing support. Isn’t this essentially the same thing?

Exactly. Her statement reminds me of something my (white) mom would say.

I’ve always thought “we’re all Africans” and “colourblind” phrases were ways that people who are out of touch (like, say, my parents) express their pro-SJ feelings, since they lack the modern SJ vocabulary to explain it less awkwardly. Well intentioned, but clumsy by today’s standards.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I honestly like the phrase “we’re all Africans”. Maybe it’s a bit random here, but normally we see it in arguments against racism and cultural insensitivity. My interpretation has always been “humanity came from Africa, including you and everyone you know. Before your ancestors were

There’s nothing wrong with the comment, except that it was phrased in such a way that “news” sites were able to take a snipit of it out of context and make her look bad. Like a real life version of this.

In a long term relationship? Definitely.

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”