Finn Nicolas

Especially that third album. Coma Girl and Arms Aloft are fantastic.

I realised recently that, although I love The Clash, I had been ignoring Joe Strummer's other major band Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros. I found a ridiculously reasonably priced box set called The Hellcat Years, which contains all three of their studio albums, 50 minutes of B-sides, live tracks, and other rarities,

Well, at least it will have a good soundtrack.

I finished season 3 of Luther. I don't hate it as much as some people do, although I would agree that the finale is terrible.

I've been rewatching Luther over the last couple of days. That show is so good. Idris Elba brings so many layers to that character. Apart from some slightly outdated ideas (the 'Satanic Panic' and 'RPGs Make you a Murderer' episodes), I don't know if they ever made a bad episode. I've just started on Season 3. I'm not

Any of the names from either The Day Today or Brass Eye are hilarious, but the one that gets me most consistently is "Richard Chlorpheniramine" from The Day Today.

It was a comedy joke.

What a weird coincidence. I just watched The 400 Blows for the first time on Tuesday for my Film History course. I really enjoyed it, 3 minute tracking shots and all.

Because people died and it was shitty. What more reason do you need?

I don't see why not. They're both vile misogynists who encourage violence against those they disagree with. I'm sure they'd get along great.

Recent Movie: I watched the new Ghostbusters last week. It wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed large parts of it. Kate McKinnon was awesome and I would love to see more of that character.

You have no idea how glad I am to be able to read an article about someone called Milo without dying of "smug, far-right douchebag overload".

Some of my favourite smaller releases so far this year:
avoid!avoid! – Particle and Wave (Motorik/Krautrock inspired New Zealand drone rock)

I was fairly sure that it was a Simpsons episode, I just didn't know which.

What is this from? I've heard it referenced in multiple places over the years but never with any sort of attribution.

I hate horror movies, but I love punk, Anton Yelchin, and movies featuring neo-nazis, so I watched it anyway. When Pat pulled his arm back in the door I had to take a break for a while. That movie fucked me up, but it was totally worth it.

I dislike them on principle, but Longmont Potion Castle rises above it. He is really incredibly funny and weird.

I'm really annoyed that I find it difficult to be angered by dumb shit on the internet anymore. A few years ago I would have had so much to say about how much I fucking despise this man and his shitty fucking movies. These days I find even just contemplating the existence of Dinesh D'Souza to be a distressing waste of

I just watched that movie for the first time recently. I found it charming and funny the whole way through (and the music was great), but I was not prepared for how godawful The Ramones were going to be as actors. I don't think I've ever seen anybody that terrible in a professionally made film.

Upvoted for Black Dynamite reference.