Finn Nicolas

That's a really cool album, I especially like the 8 minute mumble-fest "Freedom".

"A Death in the Family", the article that he wrote about learning that a young soldier who had just been killed in Iraq was inspired to join the army by his own writings on the subject, and his subsequent interactions with the man's family. I hadn't read it in years, but for some reason I just had the urge to read it.

I was in Australia for the last week and didn't really get to watch a whole lot of stuff. But yesterday I sat in an airport for four hours and cried onto my phone while reading a Christopher Hitchens article. So that was fun. It was the first time in probably several years that I have moved to tears by a piece of

I think that Robert Christagau was wrong about most things most of the time, but I really like how he ended his review of Sandinista, "if this is their worst—which it is, I think—they must be, er, the world's greatest rock and roll band."

Why yes, I would say that.

I saw a screening of this in Auckland about a couple of weeks ago and absolutely loved it. I was suspicious of its veracity after a media studies teacher totally fooled me/my class with Peter Jackson's excellent Forgotten Silver, but was totally shocked at how real and strange it was.

Gaiman posted on his tumblr recently that characters like The Technical Kid will be updated.

This is, to coin a phrase, bad and you should feel bad.

I remember watching The Glee Project for a season. I think that it is probably the only reality/competition show that I've ever felt any sort of investment in. I may have kept watching it even after I gave up on Glee.

I've been listening to "Plays The Music of Twin Peaks", by Xiu Xiu. It's an incredibly good record and I feel that Xiu Xiu really elevates the already great source material. The one misstep would be the last track where the vocal performance just really grates on me. The highlight would be Into The Night. Jamie

It's definitely my favourite political puppet talk show.

Yes, it's often really funny. Paul is always great on it.

I don't know because I don't hate myself enough to listen to that ridiculous album. Although, Neil Young at least used to be a competent songwriter (although I've heard that The Monsanto Years is terribly written), whereas Mike Adams is just a moron trying to rap.

It looks like a completely different guy, but if you want to see a song that Mike Adams of NaturaNews did actually write, here is his awful white guy rap about the evils of GMOs:…

The Fall. One singer, seventy different band members.

The Aristocrats is my all time favourite movie. Even thought there are some parts which are hard to take (the George Carlin bit at the beginning being a prime example). It's such a perfect idea for a movie and Paul Provenza did a fantastic job executing it.

I finally got around to listening to the new Iggy Pop record. It's not entirely what I expected, but I still loved it. Gardenia and Paraguay are the highlights.

PIXIES - Monkey Gone To Heaven
The Strokes - Barely Legal
The Dresden Dolls - Good Day
Kendrick Lamar - Momma
The Ramones - Animal Boy
Regina Spektor - Uh-Merica
Childish Gambino - Fire Fly
Louis CK - I Hate This One Kid
Run The Jewels - CREOWN (The Alchemist Remix)
The Lurkers - Pick Me Up
The Mountain Goats - Broom People