Finn Nicolas

Heretic Pride is probably my favourite Mountain Goats album, probably mainly because So Desperate, Marduk T-Shirt Men's Room Incident, and Michael Myers Resplendent are three of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

It's a joke that she does because her father has, for almost 20 years, called him Henry Rollings.

Thank you for remembering their names. I'm a massive Ben Fold's Five fan, but I can never remember their fucking names.

How dare you accuse the Razzies of being cynical.

What are you, crazy? Black women can't host TV shows. It's physically impossible.

Fuck. First Colbert, now Stewart. The state of television satire is going to be massively affected by this. I hope that they can find a good replacement for him and that Stewart goes on to do lots of cool shit in the future.

I propose a simple rule that will make every one's life easier: Don't fuck children.*

Do you or do you not believe that your god lives on a planet named Kolob?

Was this 8 year-old a Mormon? Because that's what those fucking morons believe.

Neil Gaiman's Sandman, because I'm a teenager and I want to seem smart. Also because I am currently rereading the giant two-book omnibus, and it's great.

Prayer to God by Shellac

My favourite thing about watching that episode with Joss' commentary is that when it gets to that part he just says, "Oh, and this is just porn, sorry about that."

That is probably my favourite Tom Lehrer joke, and this is the first time that I've seen anyone reference that joke. Doing necrophilia jokes to a theatre audience in the fifties is so fucking ballsy.

That would actually be the sanest thing that Alex Jones has ever said.

Right, but the issue of black on black murder was a straw-man, designed to redirect criticism away from police brutality and institutionalized racism.

I was surprised by how good she was in that. She was able to carry such an emotionally draining hour of television pretty much by herself.

Potter's fate is definitely worse, but not really something that I can empathize with. The idea of being shunned by the entirety of the world is much more realistic and something that I can sort of imagine.

Pre-paid bus cards and self-checkout machines.

At the end of every Black Mirror episode, except The Waldo Moment, I just sit there in silence for a few minutes and feel bad about everything. This episode was no exception. I'm not someone who particularly likes interacting with other people, but Hamm's fate in this episode seems so fucking unbearable.

He thought that he would be getting a better deal.