Finn Nicolas

I read the title as "Peter Dinklage to star as a bounty hunter in The Thick of it". I don't know what would happen, but that sounded amazing.

Cat Stevens would do a great rendition of The Satanic Verses. Also, because I have no imagination, I would totally love a Velvet Underground (or Lou Reed solo) record based on Junkie by William S Burroughs.

I don't think that. But I know that comedy and ridicule are often the best ways to get through to people. Maron, Oswalt, and Kinane are three of my favourite comics. But, on this subject, they are full of shit.

Except that neither Bill Hicks or George Carlin were atheists. Carlin was a deist of some sort and Hicks believed that Jesus was the son of God. They both had anti-organized religion viewpoints, but they both believed in god. Even today, most people are too scared to talk about this important issue, and I think that

What do you mean by "arrogant atheists"? Do you just mean that they have the temerity to talk about something that you don't agree with?

At the beginning of this year I went to a stage version of Blackadder Goes Forth. It was pretty good. Everyone was pretty good. The guy playing Melchett was absolutely spot on. It was a good time.

I am, and always have been an atheist, but a few years ago I got really into CCR (Contemporary Christian Rock). I bought lots of music by bands like FM Static, Switchfoot, Underoath, Skillet, etc. and I thought, and still do, that the songs are, musically speaking, very well put together. But after about 3 years of

My favourite thing of his is from The Comedians of Comedy. He is sitting on a chair, outside, looking into the camera and explaining how he hates slapstick. then the chair breaks he falls down a hill. They then repeat this gag 9 more times and it's funny every single time.

Yes. When I found out that one of my best friends was a 9/11 truther, I confronted him about it. Every day, for two weeks, on the bus to and from school, I showed him the evidence and explained to him why his reasoning was bullshit. After only a few weeks of debate, he was back as a functioning member of society.

Whenever the policeman says, "sorry mate, I thought you was a nigger", I always laugh, because it is a brilliant line.

I came here to mention this and am glad that someone got to it. I could listen to John do this song all day.

When Bill Donohue is the rational one, you know you're swimming in a lake of crazy.

Back and to the left.

Yeah, fuck those guys for being positive and nice to most people most of the time.

Don't forget all of the shame that Catholics have to have.

Right, well, you know, uh, sorry.

I can see how that could be taken the wrong way, but I was doing a joke type thing.

I get it.
Now shut up with your fucking references.

This was great and all, but when I saw the headline I thought for a second that Al was parodying a song by Shellac and I was extremely excited.

Either "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" or "Life's a Gas".