Finn Nicolas

Hey, I resent that. I wasn't jerking off to Emily Blunt in a crowded theatre, I waited until I got home for that.

Edge of Tomorrow blew me away. I'd already read the A.V Club review of it when me and my friends went to see it, so I knew that it was going to be good. But I wasn't ready for just how great it was going to be. This movie made me forget that Tom Cruise is a crazy Scientologist and made me remember why he is a massive

I've heard it said before that when someone says "I was born in the wrong time/generation" what they really mean is "I'm a massive arsehole".

I thought Dawkins put himself at 6.

You probably already know this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Wahlberg and Afflek would never, ever be on the same ticket.

I just want to say that, as a snarky teenager, I make sure that I say everything in a "wittier-than-thou" voice. It's really fun.

I actually think that the best gateway album would be 2007's "Heretic Pride". It is not only one of the best MG's album, but it is also probably their most lyrically and musically accessible one.

Ragnarok by John Hodgman should have been on the list. One of the funniest hours I have ever seen, and the last fifteen minutes were so fucking sincere and beautiful that I cry every time I watch it. Not a traditional stand-up and not everyone's cup of tea, but still one of the greatest things ever.