
Agreed except for Will and Tyler. Will is a total zero in terms of gameplay and Tyler is weak and scared to make decisions.

No, Will is just a dumb idiot.

I wouldn't be mad to see Will get a concussion and have to leave the game, considering he ruined the entire season by abandoning his original team of cool people in favor of team douchebag.

Who in their right mind fast forwards the challenges??????? That's insanity.

But why did he tell Mike the whole idol clue? Seems like he totally panicked there. Also, who is he aligned with besides Carolyn? He can't make a move against BC without votes and BC is too large of a group in its current form for the two WCs to be a real threat.

Who is he planning on making his move with? There may be no moves to be made if the BC alliance stays as large as it is.

How was it the right move to basically gift Mike the idol? I mean, he didn't even look for it himself. Tyler is not playing a smart game.

But then it would be 2 versus 4 or 5.

That coconut guy is such a creepy perv.

Do you use coin flips to decide a lot of things in your day-to-day life?

Let's not stretch things too far to find a legitimate purpose for the reviewer's comments.

The reviewer thinks black kids in real life would only help other black kids, and that they somehow have more to lose than the white kids. I can see that with Wes, but Michaela is super-rich just like the other white kids. I have no idea what personal problems lead the reviewer to hold such jaded and inaccurate views

I think you're projecting here. I don't think men and women in the show have been treated differently with regard to sex. Virtually every married or partnered character is having an affair, and none of them are portrayed positively for that behavior. Connor faces frequent criticism for his sluttiness, not just "high

Everyone on this season sucks. Missy and her bratty daughter need to get gone quickly or this will continue to devolve into one of the worst seasons ever.

This was a pretty hilarious episode. The review is a complete disconnect for me.

Lucky Louie was terrible. There are more genuine laughs in the most depressing episodes of Louie than there ever were on Lucky Louie, which was an abject failure in every way possible.

Great if you want 12 tracks of noise that are largely indistinguishable from each other. But then again, that's pretty much all noise punk. Not the most musically-impressive genre.

Must not have a very good sense of humor. Perhaps you just like being told when to laugh?

I cannot think of a single multi-camera sitcom currently airing that is in any way good. Ever since the Office (American version) debuted, every one of the funniest sitcoms has been single-camera (The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, Brooklyn 99, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Louie, Workaholics,

Kass has not made many moves that haven't absolutely backfired on her. It was dumb not to get rid of JTia and led to them losing more challenges and the tribe being decimated. She flipped to Tony's team at the exact wrong time. If she hadn't flipped, that alliance would've wasted two idols in one vote and the