
"I’m willing to give just about any comedy, particularly a multi-camera one, time to find its sealegs, too, so I’m sure I’ll be watching at least a few episodes of this."

I guess all of the militant fucktards at Jezebel will be placated by the fact that Daenaerys freed a bunch of white slaves this week. After all, it is only politically correct to free slaves that are the same color as you.

Actually, it is tapping into a pervasive stereotype about men, though I don't think it is a terribly malicious one. It is far, far more common to apply this statement to male behavior. We hear it all the time. And is it even a stereotype? Aren't we all subject to hormonal urges that tug at our rational minds? Many are

I think you may be reading too much into the statement and if you flip it the other way around, it is not necessarily stereotypical or malicious at all.

“She’ll go basically wherever her estrogen takes her. Not where her brain takes her.” Gross, Spencer."
This is "gross", yet the equivalent statement about men is socially acceptable. Not to mention that Spencer's statement was absolutely accurate.

Ridiculous grade. I guess since no one got shot or fucked, this episode was garbage, right?

Gladiator is the worst. Also, I have never understood the critical hatred for Gump. Maybe I just saw it at the right age, but it's kind of a classic.

The musical moments early in the season were pretty good. Rebel Wilson needs a show, maybe just not this one.

I hope Colton falls off a cliff in episode two. I have no idea why you would give a forum to such a disgusting human being.

That sounds fucking terrible.

But Girls is actually funny and entertaining. I find it impossible to imagine Baumbach and Gerwig ever doing anything funny or entertaining. Painfully pretentious and difficult to watch maybe…

Thank you, Will Harris, for interrupting the pretentious party that is this article with a normal movie.

People probably like to read both because they know there are no real spoilers here. I second the request to make this more of a true experts review. I mean how much do newbies expect? They already have their own separate review.

I'm going to be pissed. I don't like when they write out interesting characters with mystical powers. Their costumes would've been cool.

Dear HBO: Please ignore the comment directly above this one. The rest of us love gratuitous nudity.

I don't think "he can't be killed" is such a specific rumor that smallfolk wouldn't also be saying it about the Young Wolf. Also, during the torture scene at Harrenhall they were asking the prisoners about the location of the "brotherhood".

He is pretty good with a bow.

You kind of have to rush the sequels when you are dealing with a cast of young actors and a book series that doesn't span a lot of time. Otherwise they grow older and it looks dumb.