
It seems to me that they died in a fair fight during a naval battle. Two savage killers bested by an even more savage killer.

You're insufferable, man. The Left's equivalent of a Trump voter.

Remember when all the critics lined up to heap praise on American Hustle even though it was a horrible piece of fucking trash? I feel like that effect is taking place here, though to be fair, La La Land is just mediocre, and not a burning pile of worthless shit like American Hustle.

Holy hell this is getting overblown. Wow, a mildly distasteful tweet that has since been deleted. Hopefully no one loses a job over this nonsense.

Nailed it!

Nope. It was a schlocky piece of crap disguised as a monster movie with horrible special effects. The scene where they are crying in the shelter for ten minutes because someone died is shockingly bad. The only people who like The Host like it because they think they are supposed to like it.

I have seen most of these and only take issue with three. The Host is fucking terrible—probably the most overrated film of all time. House of the Devil is insanely boring. And The Babadook is too annoying to enjoy. Other than that, decent list, with all of my favorites (Drag Me to Hell, It Follows, Cabin in the Woods,

AV Club: Waterworld sucks. AV Club: Frances Ha is a masterpiece.

It's a fine show and I agree that it is different than most other things we see these days but if it is "the best show" you've watched in ages you must really be missing out on a bunch of very good shows.

I thought the voices were mixed too low, especially in that scene, making it very difficult to impossible to understand the Vinculus dialogue.

Umm, I don't think you understand the spoiler complaint. The complaint is not even about book spoilers, it's about people above who have somehow seen the first three episodes, despite only the first episode airing in America so far, and referencing things from those episodes. That is clearly a spoiler even to me, who

Love the book and I'm excited about this but good god did they screw up the sound mixing in this episode. There were numerous times when I could not hear what the characters were saying, even with the volume pumped on my tv. Especially when Vinculus was speaking. Also, the episode was a bit slow and boring, although

That thing Russ did with the car doors was the funniest part of the episode for me, and that's saying a lot because there were a shit-ton of funny moments.

Where do people hang out at Castle Black? The show makes it seem rather small in scale compared to some of the other castles, but I'm often wondering where certain characters are during a particular scene. When Jon is being stabbed, where are Tormund, the giant, Melisandre, Edd, etc.?

To be fair, this season most of the naked people have been bald, carved up witch-demons and a Victorian transgendered male. Oh, and also a dead Billie Piper as the would-be bride of Frankenstein. Not exactly the most sexualized nudity.

"Without such details, it’s hard for this scene to transcend the gaze it consciously engages in, making it a failed critique if it was intended as one."

Thoughts on remaining players (including Tyler):

Why would Keith be a lock?

She is absolutely undeserving of another chance. She played horribly and was unbearable.

Plus Sierra sucks at everything in challenges.