I’ll bet my life’s savings that that bitch and her whole family leave fake $5 bills with bible verses on them as tips. So fuck ‘em, heartily.
I’ll bet my life’s savings that that bitch and her whole family leave fake $5 bills with bible verses on them as tips. So fuck ‘em, heartily.
My God, this is a good and subtle photoshop job! Kudos!
I really don’t care, do you?
The RTÉ exit poll has just been announced and it’s almost the same: 69.4% Yes with a 1.6% margin of error. I think we might have actually done this!! My feet are killing me from canvassing, my ears are ringing from the stuff that was shouted at me, my eyes are tired from crying, but I hope to sleep very well tomorrow…
Are you dense or just purposely obtuse? At issue here is whether or not the black female coach would have encouraged the fans to do those things. As a former resident of Best Carolina, a low bar if ever there was one, I can ensure you that the fans probably didn’t need the encouragement. To accuse the coach of such…
An obstinate white guy blaming a black person for a hostile atmosphere? I’m surprised Missouri hasn’t thrown him a parade.
I never heard this from any of my parents or their friends. They had kids, but they also had lives and conversations that didn’t necessarily center on their breeding habits. So, to me it is a new phenomenon.
“Next time: The beautiful melancholy of Breakfast At Tiffany’s.”
You know what, even if I gave a fuck about meeting your “respectful” concern trolling with nastiness, which I sure do not, you fucking compared me to the Klan, so you can fuck right off with thinking you were being “respectful.” I understand what you’re saying perfectly - you want to protect a racist piece of shit,…
You are so fucking odious. Everything you just said is wrong and bad and exceedingly ignorant. I mean this with all sincerity, why are you here? You clearly hate women, don’t believe survivors, and enjoy pissing feminists off.
Yes! But “Accomplished veteran” is even a underselling insult, TBH.
people are determined to make apathy the only outlook on life. The more I age, the easier it is to see ending up with 5 dogs as utterly acceptable
I keep seeing more comments like eager’s popping up. I feel like this is a new trolling method. Something like abandon all hope Democrats you’re gonna lose anyway type tactic. To which I say fuck that shit I’m voting and making sure everyone I know does too. It can change.
You are the kid in the article, aren’t you? That’s about the only way I can rationalize your extreme anger and venom after reading this entire entire thread. Chill out. Not every second sentence you type needs to be an attack or exclamation of anger.
You’re never going to hear this on the internet but, you’re right. We should decriminalize stalking because it’s basically nothing — and hell if someone won’t stop calling you then the burden is on you to block them. It’s not their fault if they won’t stop trying to contact you.
yeah I remember being 18-25 and I knew better than inundating someone with unwanted contact
bro im with you stalking isn’t a thing and it never escalates to assault and even if it does they don’t usually murder anyone and even if they do they usually stop at one and even if they don’t stop at one they always get caught and even if they don’t get caught it’s the chick’s fault in the first place for not making…
The younger generation is taught it- it’s in every history book and they always spend time on WWII and nazi attrocities. Whether they remember it ten minutes after the lecture/test is another thing.