
Being able to suck the chrome off a trailer hitch is nothing to scoff at.


Princeton undergrad, then Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. Clean House and ANW.

I doubt it! I graduated in 1981! 😂

Hey, neighbor. I went there, too. I’m now an employee of the NB campus.

The money came from an endowment; no state money or tuition was used.

Being able to suck the chrome off a trailer hitch is nothing to sneeze at.

We fetishize the military in this country because it’s easier than serving.

It’s Tomato Face


Was this school the state university in one of the mid-Atlantic states? Rhymes with “schmutgers?”

Aristotle really said: “Those who can, do. Those who understand, teach.”

On. Accident?! Jesus Christ!

Right?! Who sees that hair and thinks, “This guy should be on the federal bench.”

I was molested as a child and I finally got a therapist who has helped me. The other ones I had seen over the years kept me functional, but the one I see now was someone I trusted from the first time I met her. It has changed my life. I know you probably don’t want advice, but I cannot stress enough how much a good

College basketball and football are cesspools of corruption, exploitation, and educational malpractice. But, yeah, great men teaching life lessons and shit.

Hey, neighbor.

That was oddly and hilariously specific.

856?! Youngster!

Google West Virginia v. Barnett. Or, ya know, just shut up about US legal precedents.