
Is Calvin Harris Rita Ora? Who?

I wish idiots upset over Kaepernick not standing for the Star-Spangled banner got as upset over institutionalized racism and sexism.


It’s just astounding to me that a man can choose to make this specific film in this specific political and social climate and then handwave away women’s rights. “Oh, twenty years ago. Things were so different then. A little of the old in-and-out with an unconscious woman didn’t violate the spirit of ‘no means no’



I know people will find this interview shocking, but I think he’s actually being honest here. This is what boys are taught in this culture: push her until she says no. And if she can’t say no...oh well. This message is reinforced throughout the media and popular culture. That’s rape culture. It’s toxic for men and

Fuck, I still feel occasional guilt about being mean to a former roommate in college who tried to screw us out of rent because I realize in hindsight she was struggling with depression. I’m about Parker’s age, it happened when I was 21. About once a year she floats into my mind and I regret not being more

And Oh My God culture has not shifted THAT much on rape since 1996. We are not talking 1896 here.

I like your point — an artist with a huge blind spot about his own subject matter cannot create something that is nuanced.

I hate all this “new definition” of consent crap. Sex without consent has always been rape, it’s just that people are becoming more willing to acknowledge that now.


How many Black men you know that are talking about gender?

Being a woman in 2016 if very different, imagine being a woman 20 years ago, and when we talk about consent, maybe 20 years from now we’ll know things about consent and examine it from a different perspective than we are now.

If she didn’t say anything and she was open [HER LEGS] and she was down [UNCONCIOUS] it was like how far can I go?”[RAPE]

Again, his only options are Liar or Sociopath. He’s just spent the last few years writing and shooting a film that removes much of the political impetus behind the Turner Rebellion, replacing the yoke of slavery and genocide with the personal fridging of his wife and children (who may not have existed). Part of that

“I myself just learned that the young woman ended her own life several years ago and I am filled with profound sorrow,” Parker wrote.

“Parker also admitted that when he wrote the initial Facebook post, a whole two weeks ago, he, “never took a moment to think about the woman.”