
How did Donald summon the Devil to sign away his soul in exchange for the presidency? Was it a three times in the mirror situation? Did he have to find a deep cave in the jungle where a dragon lay sleeping? Or did he just write “I agree to hire the devil and all his minions” using his own blood on the wall?

Something something empty house as metaphor for whole campaign, something ‘voter fraud doesn’t exist’ something...


HRC is boss.

“What about the emails?”

It’s rare that Ann Coulter makes me gasp, but this came pretty close.

That info was on her iCloud. She was travelling overseas and wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be fucked over if she lost her IDs.

imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened

I think Lainey at LaineyGossip nailed it

How did this happen to Leslie Jones?

Fun? There is nothing fun about this. I am enraged at most celebrities for keeping quiet on most things, they have so much power and they do so little with it. There are exceptions and those exceptions are great, but I take zero pleasure in stating my disappointment in people I have considered heroes. It is totally

Aside from photoshopped tweets Gay Leader sent out pretending to be from Leslie Jones, what exactly are you talking about? Links please, I’m interested in your alternate reality.

This is not just about racism, but misogyny against women in general. What types of women should dare remove the burlap sacks from their bodies and the paper bags from their heads to publicly entertain white men. It’s also about who is deserving of fame, which is silly that fame should be a meritocracy when so few