fink stinger

Holy ill-prepared drivers, Batman! How many stories of inadequately trained teens do we need to endure every day? If you have enough time to call 911 and get emergency advice, you have enough time to try things like putting it in a lower gear (see, this solution is manual/auto trans agnostic), rubbing up against

See, I told you that was the best story yet. Congrats.

This is the best one yet. In his mind, the thief was saving the car from your brother's bad ownership.

Funny, I read it correctly without the annotation. I concur...that is a good dream.

The creed that I pretty much live by when behind the wheel is "Am I driving in a way that requires anyone else to modify their behavior?". It's impossible to be a completely transparent vehicle to everyone on the road every moment, but it's not that hard to only affect the drivers on the fringe. There are a LOT of

I like this logic. Back when the speed limits were much worse than they are right now, I was almost always in danger of losing my license in spite of constantly using the latest and greatest radar detector and a CB radio. Can't even count the number of tickets I got for driving 10 mph slower than the general flow of

One of the primary reasons I own one. By the same logic, the 45º V-Twin sound is also distinctive enough that a trademark was once attempted.

Now playing

That was off the hook. The videographer was scared enough that she forgot which way to hold her phone. Hopefully, she gets some therapy:

Since I have never been the biggest Ford fan, I only notice the interesting bits and pieces. The 302R, I knew about. Which is awesome. What I find even more awesome is that there is an entire catalog of factory Competition Vehicles:

Sometimes it takes an external force to teach us these life lessons. Smashing into the Jersey barrier at ~100mph while acting out did a pretty good job of giving me some grown-up perspective. Hasn't been much of a problem since.

Maybe he just hates Mondays?

Dear God, WHY did I even consider clicking that link? Now I just need to find some eye bleach

That is a heck of a wheelstand for a v6. :-)

Ah, I completely forgot about the F4i addiction in SAE. Back then, I was parting out salvage motorcycles on eBay and every time an F4i came up, the engine was gone in like an hour. They were always purchased with the higher buy-it-now and were always picked up in person by someone that was ecstatic to have scored

It was my first car engine. Not my first IC engine, by any means, since I had 'reassembled' pretty much every unattended engine I could get my hands on before than...usually resulting in my parents having to do something like pay the local small engine repair shop or buy a replacement lawnmower.

The driver on the bus says "off", "off", "off"

Why wrap when you can just use a brush?

The picture is so grainy, I just assumed you were talking about the Aero...which was the weird one at the time.

Sidepipes. You forgot to mention the sidepipes.