
MobileMe Sync let me keep my settings mail rules and keychains consistent across my Macs. I can't do that with iCloud, so for me that's a step backwards.

...a million dollars in unmarked bills. Remember, if the ball stops moving then the explosives will detonate and CES will be reduced to a pile of rubble. *evil laugh*

The mind boggling thing is that we can see back 13.1 light years in all directions.

That's right, we're looking into the past. Given that the universe is estimated 13.7 billion years old, we're getting close to the limit of what's visible from earth.

Nicotine is also a mild laxative which, when you're old, is good thing.

Nice design, but I'm not impressed with the battery life.

Just kidding. Although, a great feature of Grados is the ability to remove and wash their earpads.

Audiophile quality deodorant is your friend.

That's so true. Where's the benefit in updating to a device that has half the storage capacity and battery life of the original?

Huh, them fancy French seats look too small for a good ol' American sized butt.

You're doing it wrong, Kevin. After you've had Inspector Gadget cell phone implant you don't need the secret handcuff keys ...

Am I the only person that squirts shampoo directly onto their head? You people are all weird ;)

Aye, ye canna beat a wee nip frae a hip flask. Tastes equally good either on the grouse moor or while fly fishing.

Before the Dakar there was the Roof of Africa.

Apparently Imus isn't a Zionist.

He's being knighted under the quaint British tradition of 'Cash for Honors'.

Shortsighted fools. Didn't they consider the possibility that a hijacked bus could be rigged with a bomb that would explode if the speed dropped under a preset value?

A while ago I came across a UK company developing a power line adaptor that was integrated into the wall cover plate. A great idea, but I guess they've gone under.

"the search of alien artifacts on the Moon.."