
What-ho! Another feather in the c. for the Drones Club, don't you know.

I thought Santa is supposed to be portly. He's skinnier than most Walmart shoppers in these adverts.

I'm confused, Derek. Which statement is correct.

It wasn't Rotem Guez who impersonated Mark Zuckerberg. It was his brother, Diss Guez.

King Henry Died a Miserable Death Called Measles may not mean much to those who use imperial measurements.

You'll love this.

You know you live in a small town when ... stuff happens 'down at the roundabout.'

If Higgs isn't an acceptable name, I think it should be called the Muster boson.

Ag, shame ... don't pick on poor JuJu. He's the natural end product of nearly twenty years of kleptocracy.

In the bush, elephants are so chilled they can come and go as they please. They have no predators and they generally leave other animals alone.For that reason most game will tolerate the presence of elephants and that makes them an excellent way of approaching wildlife. I haven't ridden an elephant in the bush yet,

Been there, done that!

"My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people."

Hmmm, an F chord with a G on top string, a G on bottom string and a C next to that gives me:

Who need internet when you have donkey? Sexy time explosion! Jagsemaesh!

I thought bearded dragon was a euphemism.

Are you crazy? Who needs to buy an iPhone when you can find 'em just lying around.

I stand corrected - I never knew that.

I thought my grandma was the only person who talked about 'the Facebook'.

"I Just Took a Hellacious Dump" app

Never mind the horse, Limahl has the saddest haircut ever.