
I work in film and tv, so I have surreal encounters with celebrities almost every day, but nothing tops my first brush with celebrity greatness. Fair warning: I am an old, so those of you born after 1985, or who have never watched Turner Classic Movies or 60s sitcoms may have to do some Google searching. It’s 1984 and

I also got RBG in trouble once!

It’s literally an attempt to eradicate them altogether.  It’s willful and malicious... they LIKE that the suicide rate is so high because they want these kids to never reach adulthood.  They want them gone so they’ll do everything they can to eliminate what little protection there is.  

Betsy DeVos and her ilk should be barred from restrooms designated for human beings, because they don’t qualify. Hell, even a litter box is too good for her.

I remember when the Kardashians and other reality stars were “outed” as using rented digs for their shows instead of their real homes.

I do not believe this is their real home.

They likely own it.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

The picture above is a computer-generated photo progression of the Timmothy; not a pic of the teen who showed up to the police today (who may or may not be the same person).

She’s not going to date you, Don. Give it a rest.

If you want to talk about beards then you should probably be discussing Rosario Dawson and Cory Booker.

I normally dislike gossiping about stars allegedly in the closet, but it’s kind of hilarious how the press keeps attaching her to men who have allegedly had many a beard—especially since Gaga’s big enough that she doesn’t need to pretend to be someone’s beard. I suspect these fellows, if she’s even friendly with him,

Um, hasn’t Renner lived with a “roommate” for many, many years?

re: his tweets, he is fucking losing his mind and i am HERE. FOR. IT. 

Trump probably had to ask somewhere where New Zealand was on a map, and then ask where Old Zealand was, and then probably thought Australia used to be called Zealand, and then someone tells him about Zeeland, and then got bored and went to eat KFC over the toilet while watching Fox and Friends.

Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to do anything to fix this problem. You are missing the point, you dolt.

Joan, as a former recapper whose site was tragically shuttered last year I am living vicariously through this awesome recap and hope there are many more to come.

I am not surprised at. all. about behavior like this. The reason “I’m rubber, you’re glue” worked so well as a child is because under duress, most people’s first instinct to verbally wound someone is to project what they are most insecure about. There’s roughly a million things I’m wildly insecure about but have

The problem is that the “opinion” is nothing but bigotry. It has absolutely no basis in fact or logic, and if you really drill down to what motivates it you’ll find only the most pernicious, animal instincts - the need to impose your own preferences on to others (i.e. “I just think it’s gross”) and the desire to feel

As an LGBTQ+ person, I don’t agree with the Evangelical Christian lifestyle. However, I don’t yell at evangelicals or throw my rainbow flag at them, even when they scream at us at our gatherings, try to deny us equality under the law, shoot up our bars, barricade our health clinics, straight-up murder us in the street,

I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle. However...

They are pro-war but anti-vet. Just like they are pro-birth and anti-life.