
She’s sweet - the Sister Wendy of YouTube vocal coaching.  

Right, and Arnold’s character is a scientist on who the first terminator was modeled after or something of that nature.

So agree - I met Glenn Milstead -out of drag that was Divine’s name - in the mid-80's. Rehoboth Beach, DE. Could not have been a kinder more respectable gentleman.

Similarly, what would Rosario Dawson look like without a purse.

Or the Brit equivalent: Cadbury Crunchie Bars. By the way, Gentiles on Madison Avenue at 80th here in Manhattan sells Violet Crumbles.

Or the Brit equivalent: Cadbury Crunchie Bars. By the way, Gentiles on Madison Avenue at 80th here in Manhattan

I had the chance to fly it to and from Paris in July of 1999. It was phenomenal and I loved every minute of it - and I truly hate flying. The best analogy I can come up with is being driven in a Volvo station wagon all your life and one day riding in an Aston Martin.

Alas no. And we have McCain to thank for foisting her on the country.

The only consolation I have is that he must absolutely detest the White House context even if his precious Ivanka is nearby, must abhor DC, loathe all the government drones buzzing around him and the fact he can’t get some piece to service him as easily as before. Silver lining, he doesn’t need to pretend on a regular

Can you see another reason why he would be asked to comment on television? He’s seriously not right that man.

The disparaging word tape exists and plenty more. Not sure Mark Burnett will allow for it to be released unless it’s under “duress” or if MGM bypasses him and sends it to the media. I would think he is afraid of trump and his backlash and what it would do to the viewership of his productions.

Sell to the classes eat with the masses - sell to the masses eat with the classes. His supporters can be viewers/subscribers to a network or a satellite channel we hear rumblings about. And all that with the help of Roger Ailes, Stephen Bannon, Roger Stone and Corey Lewandowski and a bunch of other trump spokespeople

I was wondering where Katrina was last night. Maybe she finally saw the light and got herself some values and is bailing on the sinking SS-trump. Ok, not likely - perhaps in the end she got too expensive for the campaign.

I see your point. Plus she is apparently a producer on the show. I think it may hinge on a few details; how her new relationship will develop (if she becomes happier it would benefit her outlook and future behavior), how the LuAnn marriage pans out, who comes back and who is axed, etc. She must recognize the benefits

For what it’s worth (reality TV chatter) she’s implying that she won’t be back next season but not sure she’s simply butthurt and is pouting. I suspect after some “suspenseful” vacillating about returning she will go back in the end and will work hard on presenting a softer more humane and gentle Bethenny. For me, I

A good candidate for sure. I have a real soft spot for Hart, but she and Brand and Millican would be terrific.

I love her but she’d be way too colorful and blue for Paul and Mary - Miranda Hart would be perfection.

or artsexy-fartsexy.

Then if I follow your definition of artist to you Jeff Koons is similarly a brand, so are Jasper Johns, Maurizio Cattelan, Tracey Emin, Christian Boltanski, Jaroslava Brychtova and countless other artists who are successful, yet don’t always directly touch their canvases or whatever mediums they work in, and have