mostly because she maintains the endearing naiveté that drew so many to her instead of Britney or Christina in the first place.
mostly because she maintains the endearing naiveté that drew so many to her instead of Britney or Christina in the first place.
This will always be the best Road Show episode:
The other thing is, and this is something I would not have believed when I was young, is that when you couple off and stick with the relationship time sort of stands still. It happened to me and my husband. We met in our very early 20s and now we’re in our mid-50s.
I’ve learned to eventually stop engaging with those kind of people. When discussions on racism happen, there are always a couple of white dudes who show up, just to argue and ignore everything. And there’s nothing you can say to change their mind, so it’s not worth it.
I’m not gonna go into full detail, but Ricky…
As a woman, I know the cops in my city aren’t going to help me. I went to get a permit to purchase right after trumpity was elected. They were joking when they questioned me about buying a gun. I told them I knew from past experience they were not going to help me, and I wasn’t going to wait around for them to show up…
SERIOUSLY?!!!! As someone living in Canada, I just can not understand the level of bigotry and Hatred that people revealing about themselves. People who support Trump, you guys are simply being the worst.
Possibly the best video of the song
Go ahead and file this to the unpopular opinion bin but I actually don’t mind her being on the show. Even though she is no fan of Trump, she does a perfect job of illustrating the large swath of moderate conservatives that liberals need to acknowledge instead of just dismissing them as wacko deplorables. She embodies…
I understand that you don’t like finding out something about a dead celebrity that you find “icky”, but it is not demeaning Whitney’s life with her ex-girlfriend confirming the fact that they were a couple. It seems Whitney didn’t want to remain in the closet, but made that choice for professional reasons as her…
Not many people have enough the fight to kick people out of their father’s funeral on the day. Meghan McCain is a miserable and disingenuous toad, but this is perhaps the one and only thing I’ll take her side on. What kind of absolute monster shows up at a funeral she wasn’t invited to after her father did everything…
Maybe it’s just my dysthymia, but nothing that fucking guy does surprises me anymore. I only just get upset that in my Midwest, red-sea, small town people defend his racist bullshit because they think the same way. The kind of fucking shit these people say to you because they assume you’re a kindred spirit is…
Opening July 31...
Trump, three weeks from now, when Jr. is indicted for perjury:
Fun Fact: Milstead’s big breakout was going to be the sassy neighbor on Married, With Children. We were all heartbroken we never got to see it.
In my freshman dorm, my neighbor was dating her loser high school boyfriend. This guy had nothing going on in life, but she swore none of it was his fault. He gets arrested? The cops got it all wrong! He gets fired? His boss blamed boyfriend for something the boss did. He barely graduated high school? He’s got a…
Notre Dame isn’t a motherfucking tragedy. What the fuck is wrong with you?
But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.
I also got RBG in trouble once!