
Vegas 1 and 2 are Backwards Compatible with it if I recall.

Lol. I need a well seasoned woman. She’s seen some shit. She’s done some stuff. No regrets.

Honest to God, pregnant women don’t need “excuses” for drinking coffee. Or having the occasional glass of wine or beer. Or eating lunch meat. Or having cats (yes, this actually something some people try to shame pregnant women about). Or any of a host of other things. Women’s bodies don’t become public domain just

Haters and losers say I wear a wig (I don’t), say I went bankrupt (I didn’t), say I’m worth $3.9 billion (much more). They know the truth!

It’s fine to be wrong, it doesn’t make you a bad person

IDK I’m a Calvin Harris truther.

So, while my default setting is snark,

Is Garden State a great film? No. But it’s not a bad one either. The soundtrack was great, though (Disclosure: A friend of mine has a song on the soundtrack so I may not be impartial).

we get it, you're very cool

All the stars for you. I wish more middle aged men would realize and abstain from such power imbalance in romantic relationships. I was recently approached by an older man while I was in a very vulnerable state, and I couldn’t believe how tempting the security he offered sounded. Luckily for me, I didn’t do anything

And my axe!

Well, if there’s one thing that we can all be confident in, it’s the efficiency and expediency of the Italian judicial system.

“Hey ladies, [Fuck off]
You are not getting any dates? [Getting plenty, thanks weirdly formally worded poster.] Can’t afford the high condo fees on your own? [I’ve been paying my own bills for over a decade, actually.] You are 30 and still not married? [Why yes, I’m OVER 30 and still not married, and happy as a fucking


Harsh dude.

i call Kate Winslet

Um, pretty sure it isn’t Cameron.