
kermit did 9/11

My reminder is that it may feel safer but is never better to laugh and call someone deluded instead of recognizing we are all making compromises to live our best life in a hard world. She’s the dumb one, I’m the smart one. She’s the lazy one, I’m the hard-working one. It’s easy to despise someone for not having more


The best defense is a good offense. Favorite salads, go!!!

Elisabeth wondered why the Black Lives Matter movement hasn’t been classified as a hate group.

Ours was flipped in that area. Now that I think about it we also were taught basic home repair so the class seemed to touch on all things household related: finances, cooking and maintenance. Those things are pretty important and it’s shame so many schools don’t offer them and the ones that do don’t make them a

When I was in high school back in the 80’s it was required at our school district. It was very heavy on personal financial planning. How much you have coming in vs. going out, how much to save for retirement, the pitfalls of credit cards, what to finance vs. what not to, how you can save buying generic vs. brand

get out

Lair of the Shadow Broker was well worth the price of admission.

dropping mastercard memes like it’s fucking 1999

My squirrel army will hear about this breech in privacy.

Sweat, Kara’s drool?

Sarah Palin.


Oh, nonsense. He’s hilarious. Cleverness makes you suidicidal?

I love Morrissey. In fact, I love Morrissey’s solo work much more than I like the Smiths. I’ve seen him about 10 times live. He’s unique and there’s nothing else really like him in the world.

Xenu, in the library, with a wig comb?

What is it with assholes who think everything is a zero sum game. No “thinspo” people, there is no backlash against you just because we are moving closer towards all body types acceptance. Furthermore, whatever shit you get is not because you are thin, it’s because you viciously ridicule anybody who doesn’t uphold