financial panther

If you avoid alcohol bloat your face should go from babyish to distinguished like Anthony Hopkins or Patrick Stewart. Age isn’t the enemy, long-term bad habits are.

Why bother changing his name. If 71% of republicans in Alabama would vot a child rapist into office, some woman will marry him, he will get a job, and all will be awesome for him in the fucked up world no matter what.


A 172-page brief? After the time had been served? Well. Shelling out $200k (an educated guess) to clear a criminal record suggests at the very least that his sentencing statement of remorse wasn’t exactly heart-felt.

This is nice news. White, male, privilege really never ceases to amaze. Dumpster vs. 3 sided trash receptacle, or whatever. Wouldn’t anyone just think, holy crap I should just thank my lucky stars I’m already out of jail?

My guess is that Brock is trying to get off the sex offender registry. Daddy’s friends will always give him a job, but the sex offender registry is its own nasty beast that he can’t buy his way out of.

(2) it implied moral depravity, callousness, and culpability on the appellant’s part because of the inherent connotations of filth, garbage, detritus and criminal activity frequently generally associated with dumpsters

And also Hayley Joel Osmont. I’ve never heard a bad word said about him, so it feels mean to say this - but poor guy definitely falls into this category.

Matthew would have been a more convincing smoker, I know that much.

It’s a weird thing about baby faced guys. They almost always go from baby faced to middle aged with nothing in between. See also: Orson Welles. Probably also Winston Churchill.

I’m glad Kate Winslet is also team Jack Could Have Fit on the Door.

“And maybe less sad when he died.”

Yes, not to mention that in some of the accounts I read the actresses specifically said they were made to feel safe because a professional female assistant arranged and attended the meeting, only to get up and leave in the middle of it.

THIS. I used to work in an industry that required a lot of travel for conventions, brand presentations and such. The company would rent suites of rooms in hotels for sales reps, trainers and brand directors. It was not uncommon to hold a small meeting or one-on-one in your suite. It had multiple chairs, a couch, a

Or, maybe, the way she gets through every day is by telling herself that those past assaults happened because she did X,Y,Z and as long as she never makes those mistakes again she’ll be OK.

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

When I was younger, and didn’t know about all his shit, I liked his earlier stuff well enough. But I don’t get how he basically gets to make these “but NO, really! The dick wants what it wants! It is ART!” movies every year that are just the same recycled plots in different settings/eras/locations. He’s such a cliche

See, it’s good, to me, that we’re in the habit of asking every A-list actor who continues to work with Woody Allen why they’re doing that.

If you have principles, then they come up. She clearly does not.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.